
around town they dont feel excessively slow. they have quick response from the electric motors so in normal driving they are plenty. if you floor then sure they arent great but still faster than what was considered normal or even sporty in the 80s


yep thats going to really bite Toyota

maybe if they ban more books in florida it will help reduce ignorance <eye roll>

tOyOtA bZ4X xLe AwD

Solterra sounds like a Toyota name, and bZ4x sounds like a Subaru name. I bet someone in the marketing department got the two names mixed up.

Ive always thought a new WRX would look great with split headlights.
Give it giant round fogs (bigger than the old ones) that act as the actual headlights and mean looking fake headlights.

Like a revisit of this look only with larger Fogs and small false headlights

Niro plug-in hybrids get the same engine and dual-clutch transmission as the hybrid, but instead of the electric motor, there’s an 11.1 kWh battery pack.”
Not sure how thats going to work ;)

yeah but that would be an accurate way to tax people for the actual road wear and tear their car causes. right now we overpenalize those with light cars and under penalize those with heavy cars and no surprise americans keep buying heavier cars that are worse for the roads and the environment and their own pocketbooks

yeah its sad. Its like how americans voted taco bell the #1 best mexican food restaurant.  The majority wants and likes such crappy things and doesnt know how much better alternatives really are.  

yeah and i believe that wear and tear from teh weight of the vehicle is not linear either. so an 8000lb vehicle does a lot more than twice the wear as a 4000lb vehicle.  Price that into the equation.  then people will gravitate toward cheaper cars and taxes will be collected properly based on actual wear and tear

Compact SUVs are terrible too.  youre far better off with a wagon only they just dont sell those to us anymore.  Compact SUVs are just as poor as full size SUVs but for different reasons. And why the hell does anyone want to sit up high in a car.  Do they just love poor handling and body roll?  Do they like to pretend

With EVs taking gas taxes away that are used for roads we should instead switch to taxing based on miles driven and weight. The heavier cars put more wear and tear on the roads anyway. So if vehicles will pay less tax when lighter that will incentivize car makers and buyers to care about weight 

Flex is nice and all but it still doesnt have the space and practicality of a minivan. it straddles the middle between the full capabilities of a minivan and an SUV but its more SUV

Getting a minivan is being confident and getting the best car for your needs.  everyone else thinking that an SUV or SUV looks better it fooling themselves. They get a worse car thinking it looks better. Its like the guys who get a combover hanging on to the strands of hair they have left thinking they are fooling

Im expecting to first see a Mustang Min-E-Van

Mercedes also clearly says its not capable of making cheap cars at all. no surprise

Batteries dont degrade that quickly if they are properly designed with a cooling system and if they are charged properly.  I have a friend with an original model S p85.  he has over 2590k miles on it.  He still has 89% range at over 220 miles of range.  What car companies need to do is make a car with 2 or three

gotcha was remembering it wrong
The hummer only gets that CO2 with driving if you charge it by the average american electric grid and assume that grid never gets cleaner (which is not the case) Is can be charged with zero emissions electricity and owners can do that through their electric company without installing

When comparing the least efficient EV to the most efficient tiny truck its likely they come up even. The 200kw battery of the hummer products 6tons of CO2 to make. if you drive a 40mpg car 28,000 miles it emits over 6 tons of CO2. So over the lifetime of the car they are probably about even. But thats comparing it to