
Lighten it up and make it smaller, tone down the crazy, make it affordable. That’d be a good start.

What you’re telling me is that I can start renting large empty rooms to auto mechanics. 

Listen Betty, don’t start off with your white zone shit again.

Take your star and get out 

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

So my go-to is Four Roses Single Barrel (not Four Roses. Or Four Roses Small Batch). I find for the price, it’s one of the better bourbons out there.

Don’t judge his judgments.

If Jalopnik doesn’t do an entire article on the post $kaycog just made, I will be very disappointed.

This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer.  I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up. 

Now playing

This is new to me, as an American. Clarke is funny as all get out

+1 for Maximum Jalopnik

I was about to close the deal with the damn Vermont people and use the commission to buy this car.

-Tire pressure readout: pretty much all cars constantly monitor tire pressure in one form or another, so why can’t they make this info available to the driver? It can be via infotainment, or instrument panel menus, or whatever. Just let me be able to see a tire losing air before it’s critical.

What happens when an unstoppable bro meets an unmovable douche?


How did the entire anal thread not win?! This is a miscarriage of justice. 

Any name that makes you laugh in the “Put the word ANAL in front of a car model name” game