
Didn't Apple test for shit like this? Seriously for Jobs to come out and tout this great new antenna wrap around 'feature' as the greatest thing then for the total opposite to be true is total bullshit!

I don't get RSS feeds really I prefer to just go to the website.

Actually there's closer to $100 in parts in that lamp. Those galvanized parts aren't cheap.

Deathwish = Art

Having to rework a device due to quality failures leaves me feeling bent over...

Gun Range is really really buggy. I'm unable to play lvl 1 anymore. It's just a blank screen. Crashes a lot. Funwise it's ok but get's boring fast. Can't wait to see what future games will do.

This would have to be far and away better than Facebook to even get the techies to switch. A bland Google Facebook clone isnt going to cut it. It would have to have/do everything Facebook does already and do everything Facebook doesnt. I really dont see anything like that coming from Google.

@electrolemon: Uh... you're a little late to the party there...dude. But thanks for the pointless comment.

There is no antenna problem. You're holding it wrong. If you don't buy Apple products the BP oil spill will only get worse. We'll go to war with Iran. The health care death panels are true. Fox News is completely factual. Believe everything we tell you and buy more Apple products. Buy MAC books, iPods too.

2 Million phones? Are there any other single phones that have sold that many in their entirety?


I use a Blackberry for work and an iPhone 4 for personal use. Why does RIM have to try to compete with Apple? Especially in a market they have no clue about. GL RIM but I don't think you have a prayer.

Apple tag line - "No Friends to Facetime!? No problem!"

The screen is a nice improvement over the 3G, actually the phone itself is very nice. After my first day impressions, I'm very happy with the the overall phone. It's just better made, feels good, very speedy.....Actually this iPhone is a wow product.

Umm is Facetime an app download, not finding it in the app store and it's not on my iPhone 4..... bah I must be blind but it's not here!?

Best Buy called yesterday and we scheduled a time for me to come pick up my iPhone 4. And this is a college town where you'd think they'd be slammed....go figure.

Can you show us how the app works? Like how you call someone with Facetime?