
Wouldnt the developers have to revamp all their apps to fit the 7" screen? Ugh what a pain in the arse!

I miss the old Gizmodo...

That's a really long article on why jobs' doesnt have a frickin license plate...

@guardianali: You should have seen Webb on the ole Screen Savers back in the day....she is a true blond no doubt about that.

@Capall: /agree Where the F do these types of posts come from? Obviously paid ads.

She just comes across as a snooty bitch.

Goes back to Jobs hippy upbringing. Jobs is the long hair smokin dope attitude kind of guy. From what I've read he only donned the suits to make nice with the corporate goofs back in the day. But hey it's 2010 and Apple is no longer the lightweight in the room. Jobs can dress however the F he wants..

Awesome. Now I'd totally hang that in my living room. Wife wouldnt like it but it'd be worth fighting for!


They're runnin for the hills now!

Reminds me of when I worked for the public library....all kinds of wackjobs come to the library.

If you had to use the john after this dude I work with.......we'd need carbon fiber walls and ceilings as well.

"Perfect Citizen" - that's freakin creepy as hell..

@thechansen: Why do you want to take away our Freedom? Why do you hate Americans!?

3D is purely a cheap gimmick invented by advertisers and marketing companies trying to stimulate sales.

Too bad the "interactive" stuff is either ads or very trivial content.

Wow a bit over the top. I'd feel ripped off just walking through the doors.

Batteries from MS....? Okay..
