
Cool cause I'm #18 at my best buy!

Wasn't too long ago where we had public hangings. Before that public beheadings. What's the big deal? I'm sure if it was your family who was brutally murdered you would have totally different outlook. How about some respect for those that have suffered at the hands of this murderer.

@Jophster: The guy killed two people in cold blood, one was his own attorney during an escape attempt. He was tried, convicted and 12 jurors decided his fate. Shurtleff only carries out the order by the people.

I've never understood how people can give their hard earned money away to buy these expensive products only to treat them like garbage. He leaves $800+ sitting on some trash.....WTF?

Zombie Apoca.......LMFAO!!

I have to wonder whether the whole Gizmodo outing the iPhone ordeal created even more hype for the iPhone and has actually created this mass preordering hysteria.

Considering what this does, price is perty decent.

Only 18 people preordered at my local best buy.... Took me all of 5min to pre order one.

I wouldn't be caught dead pulling out a white iPhone... I'm not in touch with my metro-sexual side

Hey honey! Check out this cool 'artwork' I picked up at Barb's yard sale...

I feel dirty and I don't know why...

Seems a bit close to the water...ocean levels must be perty normal around there.

People die all the time doing adventurous stuff... Besides her brother already did it and some other 16 yr old girl already did this too.


If this data can be used to snoop on people around the world them I'm all for it! No one is safe from Big Bro! Muhahahaha ha!

@Setonas: I approve this message.