
Weird that you interpret “get going” as “gets good”. You might unlock a whole new traversal mechanic after the main story that allows you to “get going” on side adventures. Most Final Fantasy games don’t “get going” until you unlock the airship. Doesn’t mean the story or gameplay is bad up to that point (unless we're

Prob would have been cheaper to buck the UK at this point. Sorry UK, you don’t get Call of Duty or Diablo. Let the gamers vote out the idiots that don't want to play ball like the rest of the world.

Edit: I realized you were talking about streaming titles. They still have 10's of thousands of DVD titles available. Or at least until end of Sept...

All it will take is someone like Sony or M$ to say “fuck that, I want that in my game” and take them to court. Maybe even take all their shitty patent trolling to court and upend the system itself.

Depends on the set. Masters sets are almost all double their Msrp or more. The most recent Double Masters 2022 is holding at msrp currently but it takes a few years to go up in price.

You clearly missed Jerykk’s point. Those examples were blocked because they had significant impact to their respective industries. Xbox+AB still puts Xbox in third place. It closes the gap, but hardly anything the industry needs to worry about.

Can you describe how Minecraft getting bought by M$ was bad for the marketplace? How is that any different here other than being an exponentially larger sale?

Gawd those IGN "journalists" are bad at video games.

At the big chains in the US sure, but globally is a dif story and this theater doesn't exactly seem like a normal movie theater. 

My guess: some employee was on the computer they had hooked up to the projector and accidentally dragged or switched screens in the middle of the movie.

It would not be FINE if Parasite Eve just came to the PS+ library. Need that remake!

Thumper and Inscryption for me. With a backlog as big as mine, the deals need to be reeaaaally worthwhile. Most of these prices have been the same or lower in other sales.

This is exactly it. Sure there are benefits they described above releasing the game digitally, but the real reason is that it’s a single player game and when many (most?) people finish them, they sell them on the secondary market.

If poeple don’t have time for the regular game, why would they have time to complete a season?

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 4 frames per second 

Rey is a terrible character in a terrible trilogy of movies (Force Awakens being the most tolerable). Outlaws looks amazing and I look forward to flying around the galaxy smoking fellow outlaws and imperials alike.

Why does the ultra awesome edition come with a game? Wouldn’t it make more sense to let people buy the game separately or play on Game Pass and just sell everything else as the “special edition”? Is it the steel case that forces them to include a physical version of the game? But then it also comes with a game code

There is definitely going to be a lawsuit. False advertising is easy to prove, it was in the trailer.

If those flight details actually coincide with gameplay, this will go down as one of the best controller releases ever.

You didn't ask me, but there was a time when I had moved 9 times in 7 years when I moved to LA. My average has gotten a lot better in the last 7 years (only moved 3 times) but that's how it be sometimes.