
Came here to say the same thing. Hope they bring back both these shows for second seasons. 

Because I know Taco Bell corporate is reading every one of these comments, bring back the Chile Cheese Burrito (Chilito) you cowards!

I know you are but what am I?

Noooo, you’re dumb.

A) I never said anything about 4k REMAKES of Nintendo games. Though now you mention it, I’d be thrilled at the idea of owning 4k versions of BotW and Mario Odyssey, who wouldn’t? Or do you complain also when Kotaku posts news articles about BotW in 4k using Dolphin emulators?

You’re dumb.

It's not dumb to dream. You don't see me shitting on your dreams of having your pants lit on fire....

I doubt the company overall has to “learn” anything.

M$ easily has enough cash on hand to buy a majority stake or even buy outright Nintendo if the opportunity ever presented itself. Nintendo's value goes up and down so frequently, all M$ has to do is wait for a nice dip, and make a fat offer.

It would finally give us 4k Mario, Metroid, Zelda games. And anything for the handhelds could be ported up to console as arcade titles.

If it ever happened, Nintendo would be a product of Microsoft just like Windows so...

That’d be platform suicide if Microsoft started selling Studio published games on a Playstation console.

I just learned about AdventureQuest Battle Gems on mobile and it is addictive as hell, so will be playing a lot of that. Found out about it from some news article that Korn was doing a live in-game performance in another of their titles.

My neighborhood group can do the Rayquaza raids with 3 people, just sayin’ ;)

I recently ordered a copy of the Mothership tabletop RPG, and reading through it, it looks awesome. So spending some time geeking out on possible scenarios will likely take up some of my weekend hours.

SJW extremists be SJW extremin'.

Finally getting around to Beyond Good and Evil HD on X1 Back Compat. So far pretty fun. And I’m a sucker for camera collection games or scannables like in Metroid Prime.

As to “how”, it’s very simple, YouTube and Facebook have what’s called ContentID, and all ASW has to do is upload reference files to their YouTube account and set their match policy to remove the content.

Hopefully going to finish Grim Dawn. Fun game if not a bit frustrating when trying to figure out builds and whether certain items are useful or not. I really hope Diablo 4 gets announced at Blizzcon.