Derek Martz

Though she makes me laugh, isn't Holly just a dumber, sluttier Laurie? I'm having a hard time finding a place for her in the world of Cougar Town if she were to stick around for a long time, (which I pray to God there are enough episodes for that to even be possible.)

I'm partial to the swimming scene set to "The Swimming Song" in the first(?) season of "Parenthood." A lovely moment.

Sounds to me like the message isn't "don't get abortions," it's "make sure it sticks, otherwise you'll have some self-righteous teenager up your ass in a couple of decades."

Dunno. Season three isn't out on DVD, either. Hopefully, we'll get a DVD release this summer, then a release of season four before the fifth season starts. Of course, that assumes a lot of things, but I'm an optimist.

I loved everything about BSG except for "Black Market," "The Woman King," and the epilogue. Oh and "The Plan." But I like to forget that exists.

Having caught up on the first five series via DVD, I knew exactly when Rose, Martha, Donna, and 9 and 10 were leaving, and it didn't make the experience any less exciting for me.

I, too, trust Moffat completely when it comes to casting. Smith, Gillan, Darvill, Cumberbatch, Freeman, Graves (Lestrade), Scott (Moriarty); pitch perfect, all. The only thing I'm worried about is Amy and Rory's send-off. I think after all the shit the Moff's put them through, they deserve a happy ending.

It aired in 2006. It was a pretty good season, if I remember correctly. Lots of juicy, strategic play.

And either he had sand on his butt, or the seat of his suit is tearing. Ugh, I spent way too much time studying that old man's batch.

Season 13, Cook Islands. That was the one with Jonathan, Yul, Ozzy, and Parvati. They dropped the race divisions after two episodes.

As far as Jeff's behavior, I think he's been a full-on asshole for at least five years, now.

I was legitimately pissed that they ended the one-beach twist so early. Why do they always do that? They build a whole season around a theme, and throw it away as early as possible, unless it sucks like Redemption Island, in which case it stays around for-freaking-ever. The only twist I've ever been glad to see them

I don't know, she looked kinda pissed when he tore up that legally-binding cocktail napkin.

But how do you explain Michael B. Jordan playing two different characters?

When I'm watching Parenthood, my eyes are rarely clear, if you know what I mean.

He was consistently my favorite part of Rescue Me, and it's good to see him here.

Applying logic to Delocated is a fool's game.

All I know, was when I saw his beautiful be-fake-mustached face pop through the door, I was thrilled. Glad to see Jon, David, and the Mirminskys (and Todd Barry) aren't the only characters returning.

Can we talk about how much "Some Nights" sounds like "Cecilia" by Simon and Garfunkel?

So, raise your hands if the product placement worked on you. I will cop to buying a couple of Ru's tracks.