
My mom and I saw her on Tuesday. I didn’t pay a fraction of what this guy paid (we were in the 2nd to last row) but I held it for over an hour because I was not missing a second after what I paid for those tickets. Plus my mom was having so much fun that I didn’t want to miss her reaction to anything. 

Once you decide you’re going to do the show in English it stops being a big deal actors speaking English with Russian accents doesn’t really add any realism to the whole thing.

Pretty much all of the main characters should be on the list. Even Paul Ritter. If there was an Emmy for “best portrayal of a complete prick” nobody would even be in his shadow, he killed it.  

The idea that someone who describes themselves as “Staff writer, mint chocolate hater” going after someone for being “smart and quirky!” is mildly amusing.

OK pseudoscience like this needs to stop.
This is why dumbasses think Aliens have visited us, and angels are real.

To try and figure out how they did it, other than brute force, I think cheapens the monument as a whole.

wow. please leave my field immediately. your response above shows a complete lack of interest in or aptitude for either science or engineering. your participation can only result in bad results and likely people killed.

You complain about pseudoscience but have to randomly toss in “Correlation does not imply causation”. WTF? How does that even work here? Did you hear this once and get so impressed you thought you should say it every post? Is this phrase now required to demonstrate how smart you are. I’ll bet you’ve got some Occam’s

Also, this isn’t pseudoscience, this is science, you fucking moron.

You are the stupid morons who you are speaking about.

Now the angriest a person has ever sounded about someone moving some rocks.

Fuck your wilful ignorance, fuck your cultural chauvinism, and fuck this comment in general.

The reason that “dumbasses” think aliens have visited us is because they see things like these structures, ask “how could men have done that?” and their answer is “must’ve been aliens”. So if you want to dissuade people from that type of thinking, you have to show that it is possible for men to be able to do this

Just because it wasn’t done this way doesn’t make it pseudoscience - it is most certainly very real science. You might want to get your blood pressure checked though....

You took an awful lot of words to say “I’m not an engineer and this doesn’t fascinate me, so we shouldn’t spend time one this”

P.S. If you are in an engineering field, kindly stop. Brute force is not how humans became the top of the food chain and it certainly won’t be the basis for us to continue to progress.

And how can anyone prove that one action WILL lead to another hypothetical one? You can’t predict the future, only speculate on it. Hence: the fallacy.

This sets no new precedent. New Zealand has existing censorship laws that they are enforcing here. If you disagree with them, challenge them in court in New Zealand. That’s how democratic societies work.

Then if you’re a resident of New Zealand, you should exercise your power as a citizen and lobby your representative in Parliament, and vote accordingly in the next election. THAT is the one and only answer to your question “What’s to stop a government from banning videos of police brutality, for example?” The people

“What’s to stop a government from banning videos of police brutality, for example?”