
Thanks for the lecture on morality, Weezer. You have gone from comments on HoC to your "expert" personal analysis, opinions and advice. Don't care for your evaluation. You strayed. Done.

No, unfortunately, murders are typical parts of storylines, and, although, distasteful, accepted as part of the plots. The spit in the face crossed a line that hasn't been crossed before in our Christian Society in a primetime movie and by a respected actor. Apparently, nothing is off limits in the search for "shock

All in all, my wife and I enjoyed seasons 1 and 2. We had great expectations for Season 3, but so far through 4 episodes, we're not impressed. I was particularly disgusted with Episode 3 with the over the top by Stacey "spitting" in the face of the Christ statue. There was no need for that and the whole episode