
This seems like a fine time to remember your 2010 AFC Pro Bowl QBs: Matt Schaub, Vince Young, and David Garrard, who all got there after Peyton Manning, Philip Rivers, Tom Brady, first alternate Ben Roethlisberger, and third alternate Carson Palmer all couldn't/wouldn't participate.

For three minutes after the first drugs were delivered Lockett struggled violently, groaned and writhed, lifting his shoulders and head from the gurney.

Gross. Speaking as an alumnus and a person that thinks taking away the victories in the first place was silly, this seems entirely like gloating, and leaves me feeling dirty as it has every other time the people in State College have publicly worshiped Paterno since the child abuse news broke out.

Strange question, considering its lack of relevance, but sure, and just like under the first, these rights aren't held as absolute and existing case law has placed limits on both. Public schools can't make you pray, but they can suspend you for your "BONG HiTS 4 JESUS" banner.

I don't make any specific judgments as to the validity of their claims, but this is a silly response. UVA is a public university, funded in part by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and as such constrained by the Constitution in the same way other public schools are.

They're not sorry for what they did, they're sorry they're getting absolutely wrecked for it. They were so not-sorry and secure in their righteousness that they put it on the internet themselves. I wouldn't for a second consider doing business with these people knowing how they treat others that come into their

Forgetting even the "Be a fucking person" angle to not being a complete jackass like this, it's bad business too. Not even in hindsight.

His dad is Kevin. His uncle is Kris. His daughter is Kyra. We've got at least 3 generations of this shit going on.

but can't imagine a company giving a $1,600 refund and credit.

Correction: This post previously featured a picture of John Harbaugh. This is the image Darren Sanders that should have run:

Believe it or not, bread-fucking was not the grossest story I've received. Not even close, actually. It might be the grossest one I've printed, though.

Because if they're not heart-warming you get things like someone losing their job because they didn't want to wear a bikini top on-camera. There's nothing wrong with showing asshole CEOs until you start fucking with people's livelihoods due to an element CBS introduced to the equation.


Pretty much :)

Trying to kick a boxing game does not always lead to impressive results.

Honestly, I think the biggest thing is barriers to entry and regulation. Yeah, Uber does a background check now, but drivers can get around that anyways.

Perhaps they'll legislate a 25 year import ban since that seems to remain such a good idea to our federal government.