No, Ryan Lochte didn’t lose any money, Gunnar Bentz and Jimmy Feigen did:
No, Ryan Lochte didn’t lose any money, Gunnar Bentz and Jimmy Feigen did:
Yeah, Lochte and the swimmers are the victim dumbass. The difference between Brazil and America is we aren’t assbackwards dimwits who think the armed robbery committing felons are the good guys and the drunken moron who ripped a sign down goofing around is anything other than the drunken moron who ripped a sign down.
Right!? Lochte and crew were dumb drunk douche bags who embodied the ugly American abroad stereotype... But when you start demanding compensation for minor damages at gun point, you’ve kind of lost the moral high ground. I’d be curious to see how the commentariat around here would react if a white Texan gas station…
Uh. This sounds like a robbery to me. How isn't this a robbery?
If some ‘guards’ have guns drawn on you and demand money on the spot, that's sorta like getting robbed?