*pictures Platinum making a Halo game
*memories of Vanquish flood mind.
Does anyone else get the feeling that FF XV is either going to totally awesome or a trainwreck?
Dude, what kind of idiot today doesn’t know the difference between they’re, there and their? Typo? You should have a violent reaction to such typos, inherently. Instinctively throw your computer screen down on the floor. Throw your laptop at that endangered albatross because it was asking for it flying that way. Flush…
Honestly just based on the pictures here this is the first thing I’ve seen that actually does make me want to try out VR
Games evolve over time. Resident Evil 4 is considered one of the best in the series and a strong contender for one of the best action games of all time. It had it all - atmosphere, great combat and gameplay mechanics, ton of cool boss fights and not to mention, it revitalized Resident Evil (which was already getting…
Let’s indeed not discuss the achievements that were attained but pronouns.
I’m really happy for Ren. Stimpy isn’t going to understand how it works, though.
One more thing. Games are a privilege not a right. Remember that.
LOL OMFG you are living proof of ENTITLEMENT! You/they bought what they were marketing and what they were selling at the time. Newer things aren’t suddenly a right to you. What fucking world do you live in man. Get out of your parents house or grow the hell up. The world doesn’t work this way. I bought a new car two…
I think Dowling hit the nail on the head when he brought up the fact that the crew at Hello Games appears to be pretty amateurish when it comes to PR; it’s one thing to make lofty promises when securing funding and submitting planning documents for a project to backers—but those promises have to be grounded in some…
The biggest thing I dread about the 2020 Olympics is that there will be a culture clash alright, but tattoos will be a small fragment of it.
I miss when photo galleries were the preferred way of showing off cosplay from an event. So many of these videos are just the same sweeping shots, slow motion and crap music.
They changed it to New York to ‘erase’ the Dutch ‘cultural’ presence. The Dutch Republic was the biggest enemy/competitor of England during the colonial age, not Spain or France! The British had a real bad relation with the Dutch and were always looking for ways to undermine them ( and eventually succeeded ).
First time in my life that I hear the phrase “Better than Super Metroid”.
Make your own shit. I’ll never understand the need for people to endlessly find ways to justify working very hard on someone else’s property. MAKE. YOUR. OWN. SHIT.
Am I the only person reading all this about crafting items and just feeling dead inside?