Gravity Rush is such a strange game to me. I played through all the first and loved it, I have the sequel but just never got around to it.
Gravity Rush is such a strange game to me. I played through all the first and loved it, I have the sequel but just never got around to it.
Puts on No Man’s Sky. Wanders in space. Lands on planet. Walks around shooting things. Gets bored. Leaves planet. Goes to one of those space stations that all look the same. Gets bored and turn off the game. Can’t wait!
“Let’s make a console that primarily appeals to people who grew up playing old video games, but pack in a controller that absolutely fucks with people who grew up playing old video games.”
Yeah, well, when all your consoles are pretty much the same, but more powerful, thank God they are backwards compatible.
In 2019 the movie industry made $41 billion and the music industry made $19 billion.
Video games made $152 billion.
Oop, I’m back to defend the Wii U, which still gets a lot of play in my household. (Boyfriend is playing Xenoblade Chronicles X as I am typing this.)
Dumb design decision. Some loading screen with tips and/or story exposition let you take your time with a confirmation button after the actual loading finishes. Let the downtime be at the whim of the player.
“There was no videogame crash, we didn’t care about Americans except to sell more stuff, we didn’t make the NES be toy-like to bypass the nonexistent crash and also Mario is Japanese, not Italian or American”.
I love the truth bombs. It’s crazy how US-centric a lot of commonplace industry myths about the 80s and 90s…
Oh f this chick. Seriously. You don’t get to seek out a guy with comments about bdsm, transition into how you like sex art and then suddenly act uncomfortable with a conversation YOU initiated and are PERPETUATING.
I read the conversation, I think this is more cringey than anything else and she could have also asked him to stop at any times but she didn’t and instead is just waiting for the internet to fight for her.
Correct; I’m using the name of its English localization rather than 魔界塔士 Sa・Ga
I’d guess when you see it’s not moving out of the lane with a fucking overturned truck blocking it?
You people are ridiculously sensitive. You act like you got ptsd because of a video game. You had to take a day off to decompress? Yikes. I bet you’re a ton of fun at parties.
I would. I definitely would. Unless “in-depth storytelling” is finding out that Jessie has a mom...and a dying dad (who she has no problem stealing from)
There’s padding absolutely everywhere in FFVIIR. The boatload of tight spaces that require you to slow down and squeeze through gaps. The many times you’re made to walk instead of run just because. The lengthy zoom in/zoom out whenever you upgrade weapons. A devotion to gimmicks in dungeon design that slow the pace…
I’ll take it over being one of those weirdos that uses possessives for plurals. ;)
That's not a Pain Elemental, that's my wife!
This guy JRPGs.
I thought Bayonettas dad went bad cause he imprisoned the spirit of the bad guy within himself thus eventually succumbing to corruption. Not through any desire for vengeance.