
just as many catholics are “more catholic than the pope” so too cops’ wives tend to be “more cop than the cops”. And demonizing people for associating themselves with the enemy is always helpful. That is how you peel away the enemy’s popular support; it’s the way successful revolutionary movements have always operated.

All cops are indeed bad. That doesn’t mean nobody goes into the profession with good intentions, as you suggest, but those people either conform to the evils of the system, succumb to the peer pressure of their colleagues, and are corrupted, or they leave the profession - of their own accord or thanks to pressure from

I don’t 100% hate all cops but... Live PD is bad. Like, really really bad; bad for the communities they police, bad for POC, bad for the legal and justice system. I strongly recommend the podcast Running from Cops, which goes into detail on why (it’s mostly about Cops but does touch on Live PD).

What shouldn’t be a thing is policing poverty stricken areas of America so that they can pull over vehicles who forgot to signal in an attempt to throw POC into jail because they had a dime bag on them. Nobody is driving around rich white neighbourhoods looking for minor traffic infractions. 


Something like Live PD shouldnt even be a thing.