I'm sorry but why do you feel it necessary to complicate things with the earbud(s)? Can't you play it on your phone on a nightstand and set a timer?
I'm sorry but why do you feel it necessary to complicate things with the earbud(s)? Can't you play it on your phone on a nightstand and set a timer?
Could be wrong but I think Peter is talking about the SNL sketch where Black Widow stars in a fake rom-com trailer.
It was very quick if you didn't notice it but after Alex and Maggie kiss and he pervs out on them, Alex shoos him away by saying "Get out of here, Brian!" which to me would imply that Alex knows him (from a past case? as an informant?) and he owes her a favor. The whole thing was a setup with Brian acting as bait for…
So Jeremiah escapes to the woods and Cyber Hank and Luther Madam expect Supergirl and Alex to show up seconds later (did Supergirl carry Alex in her arms while flying to the woods or did Supergirl twiddle her thumbs and wait for Alex to arrive in some unseen vehicle before they both make their grand hero entrance?)…
It's so obvious it's Charlie because he's getting engaged to Quinn in the first episode of the season meaning there has to be a twist reveal later down the road that breaks off the engagement or has Quinn back her fiancé and leave Huck and company. Charlie helps Jake take down Vargas on Cyrus' orders. Charlie helps…
Wasn't Eleanor killed by a line of grocery carts let loose in the parking lot?
I understand that Juliette and her relationship with Etienne (her husband) is supposed to mirror Noah's relationship with his mother (harboring the guilt and shame of wanting a loved one to die, etc. blah blah blah) but a half episode during the finale was sorely unnecessary with supporting and minor characters we…
But everyone already knew that Noah stabbed himself since the premiere. Why they stretched this out over 9 episodes is anybody's guess. The inconsistencies with his hallucinations and when/how they came about didn't help either. The only thing I hadn't thought of that other people did was maybe Noah created…
I think I'm going to stop coming here after watching Homeland. Too many people complaining that there aren't enough car chases and explosions…in the premiere episode. Ridiculous. Upset that a TBI and drug-impaired Quinn isn't making a sarcastic joke before doing a backflip over the head of an assailant and…
Rebecca is more receptive to Rabbi Patti's insight and advice because the Rabbi has known Rebecca longer and in a different context than any of her friends (Heather, Paula, Valencia, etc.) who at one point or another have given her the exact same advice. Her depression also happens to hit her the same time the…
Haha true.
Oh okay. That's what I thought. I don't want to go on a wild goose chase. :)
I remember her mentioning that she'll pay Etta back but I don't remember Fiona saying or the writers showing Fiona replace the I.O.U. Is it the same episode where she dances with Etta one last time? I'm trying to find it.
Those autobiographical details never came up because they both didn't want to pop the fantasy bubble they were conveniently living in. I'd say they were less than friends with benefits and a step above a prostitute with a john. Noah wanted a Forlorn Pixie Dream Waitress and Allison wanted money to distract her from…
I think you may be right. No one, other than Noah, has interacted with Brendan Fraser so this might be a whole setup to a Mr. Robot reveal later. "So who's Jack Hunter?" "Nobody. I made him up." Boom.
They were too infatuated with the fantasy of one another that they didn't think twice to see the person they were with as an actual human being with a deep, heartbreaking past. Allison touched on the reason for their attraction perfectly in her half. You'd be right if these two lovebirds were ever in a healthy…
Did they ever wrap up the story line with Fiona taking an I.O.U. from the petty cash box? They made a big point about it so I thought they'd at least circle back to it in some way.
That's a phantom memory. It never happened. She yells, stamps her feet, eats chips, plays the accordion, chugs wine, forces the doors with her hands then later a broken piece of metal from her beach chair and Gordon's mannequin head, shoots her gun which hurts her ears, traps the "crumb gobbler" and sticks an SOS…
It wasn't only sleeping with his teacher. He vandalized cars and assaulted campus police. After that I think he lost whatever little leverage he had left.
-Isn't your wife supposed to be back by now? It's been 3 days.
-Yeah, you know Delos. All work, no play. Anyways, I got a text from her saying the party has now turned into a company retreat so she won't be back until another month.
-A text? I can't remember the last time your wife sent texts.
-Huh. Come to think of…