Bolo Tie

I guess to be more specific there still remains a lot that has yet to be revealed to us: what is life like outside of Westworld; what does Delos want to do with the Ford's proprietary engineering codes outside of maybe selling it to the highest bidder; what is Ford's new narrative and how is it different than anything

I feel like whatever final twist is revealed won't be enough for me. There's been too much mystery and not enough reward for me to care about characters and the overall narrative, especially this late in the season.

Yeah that's what I was mostly getting at. He's in an interactive video game/theme park and that's always going to be in the forefront of his mind (heck, he smugly points out every chance he gets that he is surprised some hosts are still around and haven't been decommissioned) so it seems out of place that he suddenly

I didnt get MiB's forlornness with not feeling anything after killing Maeve's daughter. He knows what he did was simulated murder so why would he feel bad for feeling empty inside? Or was the point of that scene to show he had a nagging feeling of committing murder for years (unclear if murderous urge started before

I describe it to people as a dark musical comedy and get nothing but "f*ck off" looks.

Wow. I wish I could be like you just a tad bit more. Germs are always on my mind so much so that I limit eating out at restaurants for fear of some lingering disease left on the tip of a fork or the bottom of a glass and I check movie theater seats for hypodermic needles before I plop my butt down on them in a dark

She's not abandoning her duties as legal guardian but rather reprioritizing them to make her life manageable so she can chase her life goals. Lip is at the top of the list of people to call for emergencies, Fiona is the last. I think that's a fair bargain for the time being. If Debbie is on the verge of being

You'd expect the sensors on the guns are able to detect humans and cancel use when the devices are aimed at 2 or more human bodies. However, what's stopping 2 humans in Westworld from stabbing each other or beating each other to death, purposely or unknowingly?

So this is what it feels like to be a Trump supporter. Rooting for a sociopath to clean house and shake up the system by eliminating or breaking status quo establishment characters who add nothing to table. Yet in the end you realize despite the power reversal that nothing significant has changed nor will it ever.

Oof. I frown on putting sarcasm disclaimers in my comments but times like these make me reconsider. I was pointing out the not-so-subtle way SNL has been incorporating product placement in their skits, so much so that the overt description of the product takes precedence over the joke itself.

Wait. What's cheeto chicken fries? Please, tell me more. Slowly and clearly for the people in the back.


She was at space camp.

Doing the wrong thing for the perceived "right" reason might as well be doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason.

On Donna's computer we see an 8 switch immediately to a 6. On Boz's ticker we see a 6 scroll by. Then it just continues to fall from there.

I now manage my expectations by acknowledging early on that if I feel 100% at home with a show (mind, body, and soul) then there is a 99% chance of it being cancelled after one season. I'm looking at you Atlanta and The Good Place.

Unexpected tears at the end. Nice.

I had captions on. It describes them as Koreans.

Hmm. I felt it was more a feeling of pity with the same description you gave. He couldn't believe he let himself get so angry with a troll trying to rub two sticks together to get his coins.

I forgot to breathe during the Whiterose interrogation. Did I put on the air conditioning? No. That's just a long exhale.