
Yeah I was struggling through this interview. She made some interesting points that would lead to great discourse. But she does not strike me as someone to listen to a black woman and be able to reframe her perspective. It was a lecture from someone who would rather point out broken systems and lay out ineffective

This isn’t a feminist website. It’s a celebrity and entertainment website targeted at women readers. This has always been their tagline: “Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing.” 

Haha. Banana for scale!! (but actually super useful this time.)

Regina King is so fucking underrated. Just trying to be grateful for her presence on this how.. She is a FORCE.

THIS IS THE TRUTH HOLY SHIT. Save us from our misery, TV (with more misery?)

JBH I don’t really think one outranks the other. Old rich wants us to think they’re better, they’re not.

In some cities you can rent part of a public park! You usually can’t serve alcohol, but it makes a nice place for a ceremony.

But it’s women! They must always fight! All the male artists get high fives, all the women must take turns being released from their cages so that they can entertain us.

Yeah, that’s def still an argument against letting rich people ruin the sanctity of marriage.

I am poor and married and my wedding was a BBQ in a friend’s backyard. We are pretty into it.

This is why rich-people marriage shouldn’t be legal in the US.

I mean, we can have more than one pop star. It doesn’t have to be some weird fight to the top contest.

I think you’re def projecting. We cannot even begin to know what their relationship is like or what strategies/philosophies they utilize to strengthen their marriage. For all we know they could have been to the best therapist in the world or gone on a month long retreat and are now better at communicating than we ever

It’s no Fashion Weavz but I will take it.

Many cultures wear turbans, so he could also be wearing an African style turban. worn by sultans (non-muslim). He has said in interviews that he is tapping into black kings.

But turbans are worn outside of the Middle East or the Muslim faith. his can be easily attribute to African sultans.

Historically, turbans have been part of many African cultures, specifically the Sudan, Somalia, Swahili Coast, and throughout North Africa and the Horn of Africa. This includes nobles, courtsmen, and sultans. So rulers and black men of power. Another comment mentioned that Cannon said he is referencing kings, so his

He said on Ellen that he wears them to raise “cultural awareness” so that people will “embrace differences.” Which, fine, but doesn’t sound like a real explanation.

Their bodies are like square pillows with hard arms and legs attached at the corners. They’re not realistic, they’re dolls.