
Yes, please!!! Even if it doesn’t get a lot of clicks. I will share it every week on facebook, and I hope others will too. This is the biggest news coverage some of these stories will get.

Yeah I think someone started doing that earlier this week.

Ooo this is gonna be a fun comments section for trolls. #notallmen #SJW #arglebargle #feminazis

THEY ARE GOING TO GO SO HARD. Obama is a phenomenal orator, but you know Uncle Joe is going to not hold anything back. It’s going to be “mularkey” all over again. Cannot wait for this shit to be official. I am so bored with this stage of the election.

It will be HILLARIOUS.

I feel like she’s been pretty focused on Donald for at least 4 months now. I think she has some smart advisers who felt comfortable predicting that this is where we would be anyway so they didn’t waste too much energy on Bernie. I get her regular fundraising emails and follow her on all social media platforms and I

And Lemmy and BB King are there too!!


Like, do these shitheads not know about dismiss? Why do trolls bother trolling? BOY BYE.

Oh she’s awful. But what she did was still really monumental and important. Idk.

Though, full disclosure, bearded Seth Rogen playing Wozniak was uber-bae for me...

Now playing

And he’s been doing good shit outside of movies for a while. He’s top 3 baes for me.

Yeah, I'm posting this on every Amber Heard update. Deal with it.

It would take you one second to scroll up to where I said “have sex” and not rape. But ok.

I feel fucking insane reading these comments. Like, did you and I read a different story than everyone else? I have met 16 year olds, they know not to gang up 16-to-1 on a girl in school bathroom and then make a video of it. There’s just no reason for 90% of the comments in here trying to come up with why we should

If not defending a bunch of boys standing around watching a girl have sex in a bathroom at school makes me an asshole then I can live with that. It sounds like there are zero consequences for these two dozen other people involved, They weren’t even expelled for having a gang bang on school grounds?

I dont need to do anything.

It’s high school, shit gets around and people gossip the moment you walk in the door. It’s late in the school year as well, so how many people do you think said to another person “who is the new girl?” when they first saw her in the hall/classroom. It’s a real crazy coincidence that the new girl/ victim of sex

Seriously fucckkkkk it all.