
I’m pretty sure journalist don’t buy tickets to these things, but yeah IDK why she didn’t turn it down when she was first offered.

Except Pierce.

Fucking seriously. The whole comments section up in here is really shitty with this notion of an imaginary contest and/or knocking a successful woman off an impossibly high pedestal.

That’s a truly honorable endeavour.

You should become a stylist.

She probably gets a one over from an assistant before hitting the red carpet, but it’s nice she is doing what she can to help them. Bless her heart.

Anyone would make the same decision in her position.

You seem to be misunderstanding the appeal of Groban. Or at least his appeal to me. It is limitless and above society’s expectations.

It’s fucking great.

I was going to be all “Fuck the derby. Do you know how many horses are killed for each race blah blah blah everything is fucked.”

Quality over quantity, that’s how you win.

Oh my god your mom rules. You must have so many other good stories about her.

There isn’t a single thing I don’t love about Troy. I also super love the new season! It’s kind of an all new show, but still better than some stuff that’s on actual TV. He’s in the new Magic Mike movie, so clearly he’s still doing the acting thing, and I don’t think his series (about Atlanta, I think? or music

Best of luck to you! I lied, I’ve met some pretty dope 7 year olds.

I just loled so hard. We are the worst.

I get why they might not write in that storyline update (Glover probably refused to appear) but OMG WHY CAN’T THEY JUST DO IT!?!

Is she 5? Because 5 years are the bessttttt. It’s all downhill from there.

If that isn’t true, then I don’t know ANYTHING.