

And I think they're all available on the comedy central website? they were a week ago. YOU WILL LOVE IT/


I just love when she rocks the mega-deep-v!

Everyone looks gorgeous and perfect and I wouldn't change a thing. (I am trying to be super positive this week)

But she is also a brilliant goddess queen, just like Blair.

Is it not universally agreed that Dan was the actual worst? I didn't think there was any other suggestions

People who don't take that as a compliment haven't watched enough eps of Rosanne. #1 hot dad.

Leighton is FAR AND ABOVE the best cast member, but Badgley is second to her (way way way way below her) on the spectrum. He really should have not done the show, WAY TO BE THE WORST AGAIN DAN HUMPREY.

Fun fact: he is named after the tennis ball brand. His parents aren't even particularly fancy people; he is super liberal, from Seattle, dated Zoe Kravitz etc. Really unfortunate name.

He really shouldn't be on anyone's shit list. His parents were normal people, he is from Seattle, and he dated Zoe Kravitz for quite a while. He is farther from his GG character than any of the other actors, I think.

That's truly my favorite part of her whole thing. I just need her, Natalie Portman, ScarJo, and Emma Stone to team up and become some celebrity feminist task force and all of reddit would just have to cave in. They would have no one left.

That's from the second powerpoint, right? I thought that was the least insane of the presentations. A lot of the "don'ts" are just plain ugly.

I think if the author uses the word a lot in their daily life, I think they should use in it in their writing, especially on silly entertainment gossip. Per urban dictionary it was used appropriately in this instance. This isn't the New York Times and Clover Hope is writing for her audience.

OMG SAMESIES but I was 14 or 15. I loved her so much!

He is a TREASURE. I really wish he wasn't wasting all of our time with 50Shades when he could be in other things.

Hahah, I WISH. But they do have sales every once in while if you sign up for the email alerts, and they have a good "community" feature where you can buy previously owned dresses from people directly and they've usually only been worn a couple times. I really wish I didnt love their stuff so much, it's the worst.

"Ugh when is there going to be a new Weeknd album!?" I cry out. The world answers with a song from the soundtrack of shitty movie based on a terrible "book." Hey Universe, I really don't need you to teach me a lesson about being humble.

It's upsetting how many people don't remember this! I talk about it more often than other people tho... The sexiest penis guitar shadow of all time.