
I am going to be so sad if I manage to go the rest of my life without the proper opportunity to say "My dick game is on FIRE!" in a real life context. #newyearsresolution

yeah, it's pretty rad.

I have only one suggestion for atoning: prison.


I literally SCREAMED at my boyfriend when she exited the scene. I want moreeeeeeeee. She should be in every sketch, otherwise they're wasting her.

Yes! I don't really listen to his stuff unless it comes on the radio, but I want him to keep making stuff, even if it's derivative, because those young people are eating it up and it's better than One Direction etc. Plus, James Brown was an abusive asshole, so why not be the sweatheart baby boo of soul?


A nice pot of sincerity.

No, no, delight is the perfect word for both of them. They are both such positive, young men—great role models for my grandsons.

Does anyone remember the exact day that The Rock became awesome? Was it always? Did the rest of us not get the memo? I just want to hangout with him and Vin Diesel all day. Maybe they could toss me back and forth like a baseball. That's not a euphemism, just a real possibility.

Your first problem is that you are looking to a popculture blog for "the future of the written word." Books are still being printed, so maybe check a bookstore first.

Oh I am fully aware. Spinner and Jane should have been together forever.

Emma +Anyone = NO THANKS.

IDk, I thought Sean & Ellie were cute. Everyone + Ellie = cute.

I don't know Rihanna is way better than Trina from physical therapy, and TBH, I like Karuche more than Ashley and Hazel combined. And I hate Karuche. But if Ellie is an option, then yes, totally.

Swift does not get credit for quoting every rap song on the radio.

I mean, it's been barely a month since "feminist" won TIME magazines poll to abolish the word. So yeah, exactly, of course.

Fair enough. I just think it might feel tedious for you as it will just be added to a neverending list (think: comical cartoon scroll that just rolls down a hallway) of problems with the show.