
Really weird that 18 recommends doesn't take this out of the grey? Really? 18 is a lot of agreement to deem something not worth saying.

I did NOT recognize Jared Leto! I am generally really adept at recognizing actors. But maybe I am still annoyed with his stage presence/hair/pants from the VMAs. All is forgiven, Jordan.

I learned how to easily straighten the fringe on rugs from one of his OCD-filled interviews (you just flip the edge up and down quickly) God bless him.

Most definitely. DING DING DING. Now if only this was also a game show.

I am hoping there are Gavin Rossdale tweets in every TweetBeat from now on. He just really gets me.

This! It's like when everyone jumps to call out celebs who speak out about an issue (ahem every time Patton Oswalt writes something awesome) and the comments section is full of cynicism about how it's for publicity. Uh, yeah, so what? It's another brick in the wall to a new foundation. Yay!

There are crosses on EVERYTHING right now, it' a very popular design for some reason, I am guessing some trendy designer started it and now it's being recreated by every other girl's clothing store. I'm sure somebody on Jezebel knows where it started, I don't think this is forever21 specific.

She should have gotten a show over Kris Krawdadzian.

WHY IS THIS IN THE GREY? There should be no grey in fashion scavenger hunt.

What is so amazing about the Stefon breaks is that Hader's writing partner would add in Stefon-isms in between rehearsal and air-time. Sometime they would show up on cue cards without Hader ever seeing them, and sometimes he would get to see them right before he went on stage. So when he is breaking it his genuinely

Whole grains, tofu, beans, legumes, soy, nuts, seeds, tempeh, meat substitutes.

I think most people aren't going to bother because it is a VH1 made-for-tv-movie... I don't know that it is something that needs to be said.

Parmesan cheese?

Ugh, it's not fair! Did you see his suit on Conan? I died! It was the BEST suit (cut, color, etc) I have ever seen. Plus he just knows how to work it.



I still love this song, and Kelly looks GORGEOUS in this video.

What in the actual ffuuccckk! I have never heard of him but that ^photo is my new favorite crush, and the new photo from Hunger games is my new mortal enemy. YOU TOOK SOMETHING FROM ME AND RUINED IT BEFORE I EVEN KNEW IT EXISTED.

Yeah, as pretty much everyone has pointed out, Donna is getting pppllleeennntttyyy of ass, and they make a point of the fact that it is all off camera. They make constant jokes about how all the other characters are drama-queen-hot-messes (which I love) who are there for her entertainment. That's what I like about

Also, a lot of celebs pay a lot of money in settlements to avoid lawsuits and to keep these situations out of the news. All publicity is good publicity for Kanye. Everytime he gets into an altercation with the paps, that's another anger-filled diatribe about poor Kayne in the public eye and how people won't leave him