You have a degree in Bologna!

But people aren’t talking about “it”. By “it”, I mean the real reason that Kaepernick was protesting.

Oh, bless your heart.

He’s currently undergoing a Schrödinger’s CATscan.

Harder than it looks. Ask me how I know.

Hot take: <i>Halloween: H2O</i> was actually one of the better entries in the series because of how Curtis and the writers portrayed Laurie. They did what I thought was a solid job of showing how Laurie still bears the scars from that night without making her seem weak. And the look on her face when she sees Michael

I don’t like to trust in post life punishment. Rather just put them in jail now.

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

This point is 20 years old by now, but, boxing, horse-racing, and baseball have all held and lost the pinnacle of the American sports landscape. It can happen. Over a long enough timeframe, it will happen to football, even if it isn’t laid low by its immediate issues.

Pretty sure the fact that teams are looking at Brock Osweiler is proof that there’s a blacklist out for Kaepernick...

I don’t think you can really give Elway credit for trying to shoot himself in the dick but only hitting his foot.

Whoa...that jumped up a notch. Gotta say, I’m gonna miss having him out there every fifth day, but I sure hope he and the Astros can win this thing, he deserves it.

I’m watching this thing, and this has got to be the most absurd set of circumstances I’ve ever seen in a game in any sport outside of the Avs/Wings brawl.

Video is inconclusive so we have to go with the call on the field, unfortunately. Sorry, dems da rules.

Brandon Sanderson clears his throat, drops his latest brick of a novel on the table, and offers to finish off the series for him.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

Emma, why do you drop so many stories late in the day? I would prefer these to tea time with Tennis and Giri.

I know they’re both difficult, but I feel like you can luck into a homer. If you don’t have the hops, there’s no way you can dunk.

I’m sendin you to Jesus

Dear Fascist Bastards,

Those benches cleared with all the enthusiasm of a middle school gym class pairing up for the week where they square dance in gym.