Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.
Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.
I haven’t seen a team screw up a situation involving a player named Cousins since about 2 weeks ago.
Still is declared valedictorian because the only other options were women.
...couldn’t resist ;)
An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:
People still care about Lorde?
Honestly, I think that the Boomers just plain need to die out before we’ll make any significant headway. The older generations are entrenched. Nothing a bunch of Gen Xers or “lazy” Millennials can say will sway them, because we owe them RESPECT, by cracky!
Yeah, between that skit and my friends of color saying the same thing on Facebook, the realization hit me pretty quick. Nevertheless, I am still trying to adjust to viewing my position in that light. I thought I was doing OK on the empathy side of things before but we white people will never be 100% and just have to…
I suggested Rob Manfred Is A Fucking Terrorist for the headline but Redford is his own man.
2 at Oklahoma restaurant I Don’t Care Bar and Grill…
I still watch that game on occasion.
Pitchers don’t really lose a shot at a Cy Young over a single game, but it felt like that happened when he dueled Verlander back in ’11. That tantrum he threw after Carlos Guillen stared him down post-home run was priceless.
The saddest part about the MLB is that they’ll regurgitate literal trash. Let’s face it Weaver is done and has been done. Coming from a once MiLB pitcher. There are monster arms down here. Don’t let the MLB fool you. They’d rather keep an old fart around than bring a young guy up and lose their rookie year and…
I too hate to be a pedant, but Wolverine hasn’t smoked in close to 20 years. Joe Quesada instituted a directive that no Marvel character could be depicted smoking on-panel because his dad died of lung cancer and he didn’t want a kid seeing their role models smoking.
Not sure what shower girl did, but middle two did nothing but shriek. Downstairs, you the real MVP.
Well-written article. We live in a world where everyone is either Jesus or Hitler, with seemingly no one in between. Most people leave complicated, even contradictory, legacies. And you captured that.
Don’t forget that when the city of Detroit started shutting the water off of it’s most desperate and vulnerable citizens The Joe Louis arena owed something like $80,000 dollars in water bills and its service was never interrupted.
the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin
If I had a dime for every idiot who references Chicago as a republican talking point and nothing else, I’d be fucking rich.
I like foodgawker for the inspiring presentation (food pr0n) of the food, and usually for unusual and interesting ways of using certain ingredients, or different takes on popular dishes. Also + for unusual ingredients, and surprising, unexpected ways of doing things.