
Yeah the main thing is not what he would or would not have done, but the effect of his words on people. If his threats made people afraid to walk around at night I think that’s actually a serious problem that should be taken seriously by police, regardless of whether or not he intended to actually attack people.

“Terroristic threats” is a legal term that has nothing to do with terrorism, the war on terror, the patriot act, etc. If you wrote a letter to the local paper threatening to shoot your town up 100 years ago, the charge would be the same.

Yes, it is wrong.

He’s a shit person with a bunch of shit friends and they probably all encourage eachother to do this macho bullshit to random strangers.

But we are all cool starring our own Kotaku posts...right?

If someone likes his/her own facebook post, then he/she is nutso.

They’re usually older people who remember when the GOP wasn’t full of loonies and some actually supported social programs and fair taxation. It was a golden age, but you’d have to go back to Eisenhower.

A question for Bernie folk who still plan to endorse this ticket over Hillary. Or who plan not to vote at all. Why? There is no rational argument for helping foist these morons on the world. I lived through a time when the country was ‘great’ for white guys and completely and utterly shit for women and minorities. As

Are you fucking kidding me? That’s not his home address, that’s his work address. Which you could have guessed based on there being a “suite” involved. Maybe you couldn’t see that from your high horse.

Really. It’s time for them to stop being sore about Bernie and vote for Hillary, this is a hard-core right wing ticket, we’ve got no time for games this year.

Im an atheist and I’m usually cool and collected about others having religious views and even expressing them. But when people butt in and talk shit like this I’m immediately pissed and feel like kicking them in the face. The amount their religion has been a victim of anything is miniscule compared to many many

The hypocrisy of Christians in this country in regards to their elected officials is off the charts.

If religion’s voice has been taken away why do I constantly have to hear from it so obnoxious and intrusively.

I just can’t fathom that mentality. How much do you love money that you’ll vote for people that barely acknowledge your humanity?

Today’s speech included the chilling line, “Religion’s voice has been taken away and we’re going to change that.”

Blunder Twin powers, activate!

Also, somehow, given this country’s entire history, it’s always black people trying to start the race war. Funny that.

I don’t know if you’re still watching... But the look on LeBron’s face when Zaeveon Dobson’s mother told the crowd that Zaeveon’s 12-year old cousin was also killed by gun violence — you could see the pain in his face.

I can’t believe a corporate entity allowed this to not only air, but to lead off their big, self-congratulatory show piece and wash away the fantasy that sports exist in a compartment separate from the rest of society.

I don’t think he’s their buddy, guy.