
I really hope that Season two starts up with the Discovery warping away after the encounter with the Enterprise.

And somehow thousands of cars will ship with the same number, regardless of power, and Audi won’t know why.

The Chevy Cyst in no match for a Mitsubishi Lancer.

All I want is a broadway musical.

...release a traitor from prison...

Should we be concerned that The Orville looks like a better Star Trek show than Discovery?


Trump gave up more intel in 5 minutes with the Russians than John McCain did in 5 years of torture from the North Vietnamese.

They hid a swarm of bees in the glovebox.

That SUV is whiter than a dinner party at Mar A Lago!

I always thought John C. Reilly would be the guy who could play the part with enthusiasm and get the creepy vibe right.

With Edd China leaving Wheeler Dealers, and the show itself going in the direction of less substance and more drama, how about a replacement?

D.B. Pooper

Please do NOT give us Young Morpheus

Most advanced Dodge ever sounds like a backhanded compliment, and something not very hard to accomplish.

2017 is exhausting.

I usually need to charge my phone anyway, nbd.

That car isn’t a Capri. It was a Mustang in drag.

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Why is Babylon 5 always forgotten on these lists?