
Meanwhile, in orbit.....

Aw. I think I need to go rewatch Baseketball again. If only for his reaction shots.

This is awesome. Also, this is the only excuse I can accept for not using a manual transmission.

As an outsider (Brit) I don’t like to talk about politics here. It’s none of my business and it’s such a partisan issue to the people to whom it matters, but I’m going to break my own rule.


And of course if EVERYONE that asked for a manual actually BOUGHT one they would still make them more often.

You mean he couldn’t even identify Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Council? 

I look forward to the day no religion matters anymore, because humanity finally pulled its head out of the sand admitted that gods are just fairy tales. Fingers crossed I live long enough to see it.


Please go spew your political rhetoric on the other Gawker pages. This is an auto enthusiast site. If we wanted to read media bias, we see the links to the left.

He was watchin the feature film when he shoulda been watchin the trailer!

At least it wasn’t as bad as this mess that Land Rover came up with....

I think this is the reason above all. I just don’t like looking at the man. I don’t know what it is exactly, but those glasses just draw all of my attention in all the wrong ways.