Your a millennial, its not your fault that you expected it to explode.
Thats a great event, would love to do one here on the NY/NJ area. Out local cars and coffee events used to be fun with eclectic showings. Some of that remains but they have become bigger and filled with Mustang and people with cameras running after Mclaren’s and Italian super cars. I’d rather see and talk to the…
You are correct sir.
Terrible when new
As much as I am of fan of most of the new Cadillac products I cant help think even if they built the Escala... it would not sell well.
Get a photographer, take your own damn pictures and stop cheeping out with”Stock shots” Be a pro godammit!!
Price seems juuuuuuuuust a bit high ......
Thanks Martin Sheen
Sad to say, but I give Bernie 1-2 years before he dies.
Please go away Bernie.....
I am impressed that the bike rider did not pull that stupid faced asshole driver out of the car window and beat him to death with the phone that was on his lap.
as always, curios to see whats under the bra! wink, wink =nudge nudge .. say no more!
yes mericans, we too have seen Top Gun, Mavlick and goose!
Yummy Cheese
the craftsmen at West Coast Customs..
Yup, going to need allot of room!
Good point, they are going to need allot of cells...
Actually I am quite not, no issue with whatever gender she or anyone wants to choose. I just wanted to see how long it took someone to freak out over it. Not long!