
You are so right, my dear Mrs. Fingerbottom. But fear not. Brave souls, such as myself, are always willing to step in to bear the onerous task of spectating these tawdry displays of lewd behavior and thus spare the decent folk. You are most welcome and a good day to you, madam.

Live a little.

This is the correct take

I believe white cops killing black folks is obviously a HUGE problem in this country, but something I don’t understand is why people just wave away and scoff at the topic of black on black crime. I mean ... black lives matter right?

What even is this? It’s not a misogynistic statement to acknowledge that more men identify as fan of games than women. I love girls who are into games, and asking what games do you play instead of do you play games sounds nice. But you’re not living in the real world if you think men and women are equally likely to be

Get out the pitchforks because we need to force this guy to conform to your beliefs! This is a religious crusade after all.

NOTES FROM THE GRAYS: If this prima donna Arceneaux wants to make it as a writer, the best way to start off is by pissing off more than half of America by falsely accusing them along with O’Reilly of racism or misogenism with nothing more than unproven accusations made by O’Reilly female assassins bought and paid

Allow me to summarize this site the last couple days: Men you are pieces of $h*t and should be ashamed of yourselves for all you don’t do.

Men are too busy working and supporting the family while women sit at home with nothing better to do than protest. None of their protesting has changed a damn thing.

You forgot to assume the worst while commenting on the internet. That’ll be a demerit.

Deadspin literally has a tag “Athlete Dong”

I’m not conflicted at all. If he did the crimes, he deserves to be punished. I could not care less about points 1-5. He’s not special.

Unfortunately, we cannot pick and choose the criminals we WISH had committed certain crimes, and those we wish had not. Instead, we have to live in reality. This guy doesn’t deserve anyone’s conflicted feelings — he’s awful.

And yet Jezebel’s article is written as if he was a petty, sore loser. Blehhhh

Good on you, Scott. A voice of reason here in what’s become a liberal swamp.

How did what I write lead you to the conclusion that I am offended? This place is like a kangaroo court.

I do have a racial bias, here’s the important thing though, my bias is through my life experiences growing up near inner cities and what I have personally witnessed.

Wow fee fees, snowflake, racist? It’s like someone took the comments from you butthurt Hillary tards and summed it up into one whiny comment.

Typical response of people on this site to anyone that has an opposing view.