
After 1930, Swastika can cure cancer for all I care, and it will still be associated with ONE thing and one thing only. Not one person producing and making their shit caught it? I call bullshit.

I don't think it's necessary to call me stupid simply because you don't agree with what I have to say, and you certainly don't get to tell me when I can and can't speak. What an overinflated sense of self-importance you have.

Ethnic Jews are, yes.

::chews ice aggressively::

I think that we shouldn't gloss over the fact that this book was not marketed as an unrealistic fantasy, but as a how-to guide for fixing your marriage. E.L. James refuses to acknowledge that the relationship is unhealthy, and attacks survivors of domestic abuse for criticizing the series.

Obviously it doesn't cause domestic abuse but as the author said, it does glamorise/romanticise it. Because basically it says, "this man loves this woman so much this is what he does and it works for them" so young women reading it may believe that some of the tendencies are romantic and manly rather than creepy and

I was the nursemaid to a baby deer for several days. Now, she would eat by drinking from a bowl on the ground, all splay legged and goofy looking but afterward this little darling would want to nurse on my ear lobe... ONLY my ear lobes. I don't know if you have ever had a baby deer jump up onto your chest and then

The fawn actually looks pretty relaxed. Look at the dreamy eyes when the guy is rubbing the belly.

Isha, is Jez making any progress on approving commenters? Because a lot of us can only participate in the greys, meaning we end up seeing every awful thing by virtue of participating at all!

I have a hard time seeing the greys due to my eyesight. Bums me out. (Not because I want to see horrible gifs)

Yes here users are considered trolls until they are deemed nontrolls by some fairly arbitrary standard, and I think that is alienating to people.

They are trying to tackle two different issues with one change; they had to do something about the abusive gifs being posted, and also wanted to cut back on the number of commenters that the blogs were following, to improve the tone of the conversation. I really think they used the first issue to as an excuse to

It pisses me off, because I was one of the people he sent them to, and because I was off reading some other article I didn't see them to dismiss them until a whole bunch of you guys had to see them as well. This is not working.

They also go to Red Lobster frequently, so their literalism is no more literal than anyone else's.

OMG Im literally sick and crying over this fucking gif

Do they demand stoning to death for people who work on the sabbath? Adulterers? Rape victims who happen to be engaged? Do they demand that uncircumcised men be cast out? Do they follow a kosher diet?

We have a troll posting animal abuse gifs in the comments.

For people like the WBC (who have no actual power and are all about provoking reactions) ignoring them pisses them off the most. I teach Hebrew school and a couple times the WBC showed up, as they are wont to do, to charmingly inform us that God hates kikes. Every single one of us, including kids as young as five,

How can you possibly say "that's how men communicate" and then accuse someone else of being sexist. That statement in and of itself is incredibly sexist! Your posts are full of paternalistic douchbaggery from top to bottom.

Please stop generalizing either gender. I've met men who don't communicate like you do. I've met women who do, and vice versa. You are not the voice of all men.