What ho, Jeeves

Unless the next guy is paying you for your girlfriend, that analogy doesn’t make any sense.

I like my coupes in wagon form... best of both worlds.

Save the whales wagons!

I want more ride height, but I don’t want a CUV/SUV/truck. I’ve said this before, but I want something BRZ-sized with a WRX or STI engine/drivetrain and XV ride height. In brown. Plaid seats.

Automatic pistol you say? Arent those illegal? As is carrying a loaded gun in your car without a permit?

Calm down there, Satan.

From the article right up there:


Agreed. This is a lame question. Get your shit together Phil from Boston.

Im going to be honest and say that I thought we were talking about the CTS until about half way down when I did a double take a realized it was CT6. Stupid names are stupid.

Good news!

Heck yeah, tear them down and find a way to destroy them with fire. And get it all on tape. Pretty please.

I don’t think forcing Uber to adhere to a shitty business structure is the right direction.. Instead, the cab business needs to restructure and find a way to make it work in this day and age. If they cannot, then they should fail. Move forward, not backwards.

I live under a very lovely rock, so I have no idea what you’re talking about.

The same reason that homosexual women generally use dildos. What that reason is, I don’t know, that’s too deep into the human mind for me.

Right? Own it! Make the better side of it. Veggies shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for meat, but instead as vegetables. And you can make some damn delicious vegetables.

I have ALWAYS wondered why vegans tried so hard to replicate non-vegan foods. My vegans “friends” would always proudly tell me “try this vegan bacons, it’s sooooo yummy, it’s just like real bacon/hamburger/chicken” — uhh, why are you trying so hard to replicate the things you are trying to dissuade people from eating?

I’m a member of PETA.