Bo Kosarac

You win the award for best retort, mate. ;-)

I dunno - I still can't watch the 80s series "St. Elsewhere" knowing the way they 'explained' everything (which didn't even need it), all to try and kill any chance of reviving the show (which didn't prevent character cameos in unrelated shows, mind)…. Then again, since HIMYM didn't retroactively reveal that NONE of

It's a pretty good show, all things considered, although the quality isn't as consistent as ATLA.

The "Rahz" vs. "Raysh" debate reminds me of when "The Last Airbender", the god-awful adaptation of the animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbender", came out - one of the fans' many gripes with the adaptation was the way name pronunciations were changed. M. Night Shyamalan actually had a reason for it, as the way the

Also, apparently before Marty fixed the Almanac timeline, Biff ended up dead at Lorraine's hand in what - 1990, 200? So whether or not old Biff would have remembered things, the reason he was erased is because his counterpart of the Almanac timeline was long-dead>

Not really - I just remember certain shit ludicrously well, and that's only because it interests me; in this case, it's like "You had ONE bloody job, Kring, to make this show not suck, and you failed so badly". I'm beyond caring, but (un)fortunately I can remember the more interesting bits. ;)

As if I didn't already have ENOUGH reasons to no longer give a damn about this show and it's oh-so convuluted timeline (and excess of supplementary materials which just mean there's unanswered questions EVERYWHERE)…

Yep - although given that the problems were always there, from the start, it makes season 1 itself seem dated (even if at the time there was nothing like it before - a true comic book show). Hence why I couldn't invest myself anymore if I tried - my only wish is that they let the franchise die a quiet death, before

Urgh - Angela wasn't erased because that was FUTURE Angela; she was PART of that timeline! It's so bloody easy to understand, don't get why you missed it. His girlfriend however was a tagalong, which is why when she was left behind and that future completely erased, she no longer existed in the present.

That was EXACTLY what he was saying - he said "creepy uncle" for a reason. ;D

Apparently, Elle Bishop was supposed to be revealed as Claire's sister - which either meant that Bob Bishop was NOT her bio-dad and she was a Petrelli, OR that she was Meredith Gordon's daughter. Which… the latter, at least, would've explained a LOT about why their dynamic had ANY build-up (before Sylar killed her for

Wait - Claude?! But I thought he'd disappeared into the aether after having a spat with Peter in Season One!

But that was FUTURE Angela, the one from the present didn't travel with Peter like Caitlin (the Irish barmaid) did, so it's not the same thing. That Angela lived through the Shanti Virus' release and over 90% of the human race dying, and thought Peter was dead - when he went back he reunited with the one from his own

The first season of "Heroes" worked - the rest didn't, and the core reason is that the show didn't grow out of its adolescent stages and mature. Season One had many, many problems, but it was a fresh idea and at WORST was only decently-executed. Problem is that Kring never properly acknowledged those problems; rare

Not if the shooting schedules don't clash, it won't. If she shoots DW over the first half-year or so (including the yearly Christmas Special), and AC the second half, then it all works out stupendously. Also, whether or not Steven Moffat were still showrunner of DW when Atwell were to be hired, the air dates of the DW

Not only that, but it's heavily suggested that said Time Lord actually WAS originally a woman in most past incarnations - probably in her original one. Remember, the Doctor first name-dropped the Corsair (in "The Doctor's Wife", Season 6 Episode 4) as a Time Lord friend of his who was usually male but became a woman

Zero Matter has been stated to be the old name for Darkforce, which is what empowered Marcus Daniels/Blackout - the villain of the late Season 1 episode "The Only Light in the Darkness", he's the guy who was stalking Coulson's cellist ex-girlfriend (who still thinks Phil is dead).

IM3 wasted more than just AIM - I'm just thankful that the Marvel One-Shots salvaged the potential to bring in a more faithful adaptation of the Mandarin onscreen one day, because we can't say the same for the Extremis plot (which in the comics had MUCH more impact on Iron Man's arc), further exploration of Tony's

Uh, the first dick-measuring joke in DW history? I thought that was in "The Day of the Doctor" - you know, when the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors are comparing their sonic screwdrivers and 10, noting how much thicker and longer 11's is, asks: "Are you compensating for something?" They then talk more about their physical

It's that Universal owns the solo rights to any future "Hulk" films. Marvel is free to use the character and at least SOME of his supporting cast due to shared rights (Abomination was to appear in AOU at one point, and Thunderbolt Ross is to feature in "Civil War"), but they can NOT distribute and produce a solo Hulk