

"Jared Lego."

Oh maaaaan, yes. That's it, alright.

Some of Jeff's pure id reactions to things in that game are truly amazing. I can't quite recall what prompts it but at some point he just yells out "OH, CHRIST!" in a way that makes me laugh to this day.


Yes, absolutely. In particular, their endurance run of Persona 4 is just intensely funny and was damn near vital to my wellbeing about a year ago when I was going through a very stressful time in my life.

Can Superman outrun the Flash?

Granted, but the "Next time…" promo would be truly epic.

She's really funny.

"Fantastic minus"?

I guess I've been guessing that perhaps Barry will stop the RF from killing his mother and the real Wells somehow. Granted, this should mean that Barry wouldn't get flash-friend until much later and all but maybe, somehow… sssssssssscience?

"First rule in imperial spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?"

*MK Announcer Voice* FINISH IT!

Maybe what happened is that the script as originally written was meant to fall between Arrow 16 and 17 but when they shot it they knew the schedule had changed so the dialogue was awkwardly tinkered a bit?

Yes. His Chinese is devastatingly bad. In fairness, it's a big ask for someone to memorize long stretches of tonal language phonetically, but still…

My cyber-doppelgänger Robo-Fittleworth assures me this is the case.


If you're truly up to the last mission then you're even closer than you'd think as that final battle is actually way shorter than expected.

Perhaps the door is constructed in such a way that it's easier to force in than to force out?

I picked up Saints Row 4 (Re-Elected) the other day and I'm really enjoying it — I've got to feed my raging Laura Bailey crush somehow and Inquisition only goes so far in that regard.