
It's a bummer of a situation –– even though I assume this basically out of BioWare's hands, the blackout on any info re: the PS4 is really burning through some of the goodwill they earned with DA:I as a corrective to (the somewhat unfairly maligned, I think) DA2 and ME3.

Oh, I guess it's just good old fashioned social anxiety. :-)
I may go ahead and find you on PSN one of these days and we can try a heist or two.

Have you played any co-op on Unity? I'm curious but so reluctant to play with random scary people.

I just finished a run of Inquisition with a dual wield rogue specialized as whatever Cole is called. That build can do insanely high damage –– like, over 30,000 in a few seconds. It made playing on hard almost a cakewalk.

Teach the controversy!

Glen Weldon refers to the impulse to rationalize and in-world justify every implausibility in comic books as "vivisecting the unicorn," which is a fun phrase.

Jeff as (renegade?) shep, the Dean as the Illusive Man…

The problem seems to be that anyone who is completionist enough to get all the shards (and it IS 100%, I believe) is almost by definition going to be overpowered for the final temple battle, which isn't even as challenging as the easier dragons, if I recall correctly.

"We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it."

Yeah, people make various more or less reasonable complaints about story logic but even though I agree with many of those points I certainly found ME3 very impactful emotionally. Maybe I'm just a softy.

Also shows up from time to time in English as "ludic," as in "ludic reading." Ludic reading is, of course, what Ludacris does on his days off).

Reporter Guy: "Danish?"
Iris: "Nope, American just like you."

Granted that the missions there are not exactly a thrill-fest, I actually really like how the Hissing Wastes look.

Yes, I'd say Citadel is among the best material in the series (alongside Lair of the Shadow Broker). I'd also say that it might be best to save it (or at least the party portion) for something to play after what the actual ending of the main campaign.

As I understand it, the ID of the Warden in question varies based on keep decisions and some versions of the dilemma may be harder than others.

Fair enough. I'm just arguing that although the formula of "magic + historically 'realistic' setting" is a worthy one and can be done well (see Game of Thrones) it isn't necessarily always the "best" or only choice for a Fantasy setting. I see the Dragon Age premise as much about a "what if" exercise in alternate

The lead writer at some point said that one of the core premises of the Dragon Age series is to ask what things would have been like in a medieval-ish setting if the dominant religion were centered around a Joan of Arc figure rather than a Christ figure. With that in mind, I find that much of what may appear


Also, "Because he gets RESULTS, you stupid chief!"

The ME series tends to be heavily biased in favor of action over deliberate inaction, which is no doubt a reflection of the centrality of the "player choice" mechanic. As a result, the military, which can take concrete action, typically comes off better than groups that are mostly limited to talking about things.