
I love the Mass Effect series to death but the games, both implicitly and explicitly, are really bad about providing consistent working definitions of "Paragon" and "Renegade," I find. I mean, everyone pretty much gets the gist of it but I find that's about as far as it goes.

There's some magic paragon option that opens up right at the end of ME3 that is only available if you've played 100% paragon up to the point and I'm curious to see it on a subsequent playthrough.

If they really Shakespeare'd it up Laurel would tell her dad about Sara, he'd drop dead of shock, and five minutes later Sara would show up fresh as a daisy from the Lazarus pit.

Especially if you've played the multiplayer a bunch you might consider cranking the single player difficulty all the way up to "insanity" –– I found it actually makes the combat a lot more interesting and fun.

In some respects I think Awakening is a cool anticipation of mechanics (e.g., a somewhat customizable base of operations) that were absent in DA2 but feature prominently in Inquisition. I'd say it's at least as fun as Origins and more interesting than some of the other Origins DLC.

Actually, it's about auk-thics in games journalism.

How are you finding Unity? I probably wouldn't want to pay full price for it but I enjoy the basic Assassin's Creed gameplay loop enough that I'd still be interested, provided the laundry list of performance issues were resolved.

Oh man, the Deep Roads were soooooo interminable. More like Deep SLEEP Roads! Eh?

"'That's Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man': Subjective Masculinities or Masculine Subjectivities in Early 1990s America? A Case Study."

I can recall with almost perfect clarity the excitement I felt at the first several hours of ME2.

I'm led to understand it's online-only but I haven't played it myself. BioWare (and I assume other folks) have been making videos of online play available through the usual venues.

So, is this the place where we do a multiplayer thread?
Come play multiplayer with me! I'm "Weilide" on PS4. I promise to be respectful and low-key: I'm conflict-averse so I won't be mean to anyone on voice-chat and I'm a pretty casual gamer so I won't be going into matches with unreasonably high (or even modest)

It kind of sounded like she may have learned her lines phonetically.

Their character creator needs a "random expression" button to see what Inquisitors look like outside that resting state.

Speaking of DA:I, anyone know how one gets the soundtrack that is supposed to come with the Digital Deluxe edition on PS4?

I somehow made an Inquisitor with big eyes and raised eyebrows so she kind of looks permanently befuddled and I'm trying to decide whether to just swallow the last two hours and restart to get her to look more the way I want.

I just liked Awakenings for being the only game in the series with a playable Oliver Sacks.

I'll be playing Dragon Age: Inquisition this weekend in my mind. I've already logged like hundreds of hours in my mental play-through so I figure I may as well wrap it up before the actual game comes out.

I got a Mass Effect notification for this?

I also found myself completely overpowered, which diminished the fun of the endgame a bit for me. There's a big Goldilocks zone in the middle of the game that's just great, however.