Evan Waters

"That old woman jumped over the barricade and onto the apron!"

"Buddy, they won't even let me fuck the flag."

Eh, they respawn constantly. It's a minor inconvenience.

I think his death also was a factor in why Jon Pertwee left a year later, as they'd been friends on set and it just cast a pall over everything.

Have started on the new Kimmy Schmidt- three eps in, pretty good.

I would pay real money for an audio series that's just Capaldi reading Dril tweets

I'm not sure we know anything about the specific plan, just that they ran a simulation in order to research it.

My favorite part is the CEO saying he came up with the idea because he was "persona non grata" at all his local juice places.

Seeing that busted out for the first time was astonishing. Just out of nowhere, note perfect Rachel. She had to have held on to that one for a while.

I really did like the meta element to Archer's rant- the show has never really stuck with a story in the way you'd think. It's not necessarily a weakness but the heavy "plot" element in some seasons can be distracting.

Will miss her. Hope her next gig's a good one because she's really talented.

There are some bits that are good (mainly, Streep), but for the most part it has the sense that nobody felt they had to try very hard. It really wants to coast on charm and can't quite manage it.

And in the 30s, it was what was playing against the Mercury Theater on the Air- hence Orson Welles deciding "Hey, let's stage an invasion hoax".

"You, me, Russ, and some guy we kidnap!"

They were a prolific group with a lot of songs, but… yeah no. They were already stretching with what they had in the first one.

So the power of positive thinking is real?

So after a rough start, Mass Effect 2 starts to open up a bit. I get what they're doing with the multiple "hub" worlds now, and Illium is pretty damn gorgeous so that helps. Have most of the crew now, think it's just Tali left.

I feel like Nintendo are back to a more conservative strategy. Their concern is as much making a profit as it is gaining market share, so it's a question of how much the hardware is costing them, the production runs being kinda limited, etc.

Yeah I know what option I want to take but they leave it broad enough that you have to figure out how, which is good.

Again a pause in the D&D campaign due to illnesses and busy schedules. Gives me more time to prepare.