Evan Waters

The version of the Gremlins theme that plays at the end of Gremlins 2. It's this wonderfully full-blown orchestration with little sub-motifs (I do not know proper musical jargon) playing under the main theme and it grows wonderfully to the final reprise of the theme.

What's interesting is everyone says she was very much not-good as Sara in Arrow, so either her chops have grown considerably or they're writing her character way differently or both.

I eagerly await her concept album on the gold standard.

"Artist" is a good catch-all term for 'em. Some pop people just sing, some play an instrument, some have a hand in the songwriting but others don't.

I can't recall whether it was even her or a campaign staffer or what, but SOMEBODY said that it was relevant because there are parts of Alaska (the Aleutians) where you can "see Russia" from (Russia in this case being the Commander Islands).

Yeah, you can tell something's off with the lighting there.

I know that was a joke but I always have to point out that in addition to being morally contemptible, Mein Kampf is dry and dull as fuck.

The ones in the 70s and 80s were usually anything but timely (even Spaceballs took some flack for being a Star Wars parody years after the 'last' Star Wars movie).

Eh, it's got a lot of clumsy bits- the Hawkpeople business came off kinda stiff and ponderous compared to the funtime Seventies antics of the other cast members. It's fun but "raising the bar" is saying a bit much.

I think the remark is less about her age and more about the fact that she was pretty ubiquitous around the late 90s-early 00s, and less so now.

To be clear, she never said this (it was a Tina Fey line from SNL.) On the other hand, the joke was that she had implied she had foreign policy credentials based on Alaska's proximity to Russia.

Millions of dollars are spent on Presidential campaigns! Why do none of them have an IP lawyer?

Hmm. Well, The Rock looked good. (And Armageddon had some striking shots that we never saw for more than three seconds at a time.)

Sara is definitely the best. "Let's get weird in the Seventies!" indeed.

"This Furiosa dame wants a little help sneaking something out of the boss's place."
"No! Never! This is the last time, I'm not falling for any of your simple jobs ever again."
"She's going to steal his wives."
"So what are you standing around for, let's hop to it!"

And there were lots of practical effects too!

TPM was shot on film.

Well, I mean, he did direct a movie that made all the money in the goddamn world, so from a commercial standpoint it makes sense. The film being of debatable quality is another issue altogether.

It's done fairly commonly to set a "look" for the picture. Before computers it was still done but usually more subtly (Ghostbusters has a slight purplish tinge, The Godfather was deliberately made fairly sepia, etc.) Digital made it easier to do more dramatic things without just turning the entire screen blue.

That's still what I'm worried about- all the Star Wars movies make good use of color to set the tone, and JW's use of color was especially bad. On the one hand they were clearly very deliberate in setting blue and white as the film's main colors, but on the other hand, why?