Evan Waters

Pale green, both eyes open, delighted expression.

Eh, it explains what it needs to. The sonic screwdriver and Daleks and arguably the rest of the Time Lords don't need much "establishing", that's all throwaway stuff. (And it's not like the audience was confused and tuned out- they never tuned in in the first place, quarter-by-quarter ratings show this.)

You can name three, well I can name four
Dudley, Dinty, Roger, and Mary Tyler Moore!

I wanna say "Man Up" or "Work It" or whatever that show was with a couple of guys in drag trying to beat the "mancession" or whatever that shit was.

So Christina Hendricks is basically playing her Firefly character, right? YoSaffBridgeChair?

As course of actions go it's a hell of a lot easier than trying to somehow rid the subject of those feelings. Nobody's been able to really do that, as far as I know.

You use the power you have. I'm betting those groups ("Who's they? Name three!") don't have the leverage to affect policy change in the Dominican Republic, but they can get an asshole off the air, so you take the victories you can get.

I think he's authentically a dick, but there is an act involved- he has to keep playing the part of the successful and ruthless business tycoon to keep getting investments for business ventures which keep on failing.

Friday, went to the drive-in, saw Inside Out and Jurassic World.

Apparently a bar in Chicago has already come up with a "Scalia's Tears" cocktail.

I think between this and Roberts siding with Obamacare again, Scalia has finally snapped.

The main platform has simply been my assertion of the truth- it is bad form for casting departments to tell actresses they need to dress slutty for an audition. It's just not how the process works, and it gives the impression that you're gonna get leered at rather than treated like a professional. (As I've said

Revealing that he trademarked "Hannibal the Cannibal" was just the best thing.

So you've just taken to being a condescending prat instead of making arguments of any substance.

In some ways this could have been the season premiere. It sets up what the structure is for this season (everyone's out to get Hannibal) and lays out all the players, and as a result it feels like the story's on steadier ground.

I could swear I've heard that pun before- was it in the movie Hannibal?

Okay, so explain to me how her having done nude scenes in any way impacts her credibility here.

And you don't need to put in directions like this to find attractive people in your casting call.

If you can't tell a woman has breasts if she's in a sweater- I don't know what to tell you, man.

If an actress has sex appeal I don't need her wearing a push-up bra to see it. It's one thing to say "We're looking for a bombshell, Marilyn Monroe type" and another to say "We need to see your cleavage before we even think about a call back."