Apparently it has a very high income viewership, which is probably what saved it last year. And this being the third year there might be a push by the production company to get it to fourth so they can syndicate.
Apparently it has a very high income viewership, which is probably what saved it last year. And this being the third year there might be a push by the production company to get it to fourth so they can syndicate.
There already is a definitive audio version of Hitchhiker's, though- the original radio series.
I don't usually quibble with letter grades but this definitely felt higher to me. The show's in a really good zone now.
And he gets the soldier without a gun, and Clara explicitly says the one without the gun is the boss.
There's definitely a bit of the old "You're a beautiful woman, probably" part of the Doctor to it.
Another one for the ages.
Not sure I'd rank this with the all-time best but it definitely felt very fresh, like Moffat engaging in some self-deconstruction and turning old plots on their ear. And I really like how it very boldly asserts a core aspect of the Doctor's character- not just Capaldi's but all of them- which is that the Doctor is…
A.I.'s ending is still downbeat, y'know. The kid effectively dies. (The whole thing was in Kubrick's original plan anyway, it wasn't tacked on.)
My reaction exactly. She is such a good fit for this show.
The marathoned versions all had bits cut from syndication.
Stoppen ze talkin' and starten ze chalkin'
The Niles & Daphne will they/won't they was drawn out for seven seasons and still worked beautifully.
Don't models have to go through the same process? They audition like everyone else.
I'm kind of curious (albeit at a distance) as to what the endgame will end up being.
Looks like they were going for a Kate Hepburn vibe with that Jessica. Interesting approach.
IP was not quite so overvalued in 1989, and even then getting these two companies working together was like pulling teeth (which was why there was never a sequel despite the film making tons of money.)
Honestly I thought it was a decent movie. Not sure why it's supposed to be considered terrible now.
It is weird how often this one pops up on the radio. For all that the FCC regulates language and drug references, sexual violence gets a pass.
It's the "Pro" icon on his card- you get that by combining two of the same card, ideally after levelling them both up. The resulting card has better stats than a card of the same tier.