
These are contradictory statements.

1 😐

It gets a lot more attention.

At least old jaguar from the 90's had the balls to put their crazy production ready supercar prototype into active service. I’m looking at you C-X75...

You’re just mad because you can’t accept that cats are the royalty of the animal kingdom

If its not ready, then what the fuck is in the ads for Faraday Future. Im pretty sure people will be surprised when they see the car

Perhaps all the above is a concerted effort to prevent droids from having instantaneous access to all the data in the universe. By not creating the infrastructure for easy data transmissions and by keeping mass storage facilities analog droids remain subservient.

I, for one, am appalled the filmmakers are trying to fill our heads with their sickening agenda of inclusion, tolerance, and basic human decency. Stick to Force!

When BOPd, these cars are nowhere near the same pace as traditional GT3 machinery. The weight and restrictor penalties alone are enough to force them all into their own class, at least thats how it was the few times they were permitted to compete.

I don’t think it’s the downforce, I think it’s the power. Creventic balanced them for the 24h series, and If I recall, it was through restrictors.

Or a 968. Big displacement NA engine with more power than the 944 Turbo and none of the Turbo lag or unreliability.

But if All Motor is Best Motor...

I was. I’d never seen 410 Sprints in person before. I can’t wait to go again.

Get rid of ABC. They make watching the races unbearable. Nearly cry tears of joy when it is NBC’s weekend.

I’m deathly terrified of the turn signal.

Because they tried it already and it didn’t work...granted Mercedes really should have put sliding doors on this.

great minds...

The ladies at the club weren't sufficiently impressed until I told them that my Chevy Beretta was, in fact, a Z26.