Word is he never left
Word is he never left
This. And heaven forbid you say that you like Taylor Swift and dislike Katy Perry. I’ve been called everything from “tasteless” to “anti-LGBT” for that one.
Your co-worker is a passive Nazi. He doesn’t give a shit about Nazis, as long as they don’t inconvenience him. A. Passive. Nazi.
Bullies often stopy bulling if you ignore their bullying too. Same with sexual harassers. Really the rest of us just need to lighten up. Hell, I heard the south would have given up slavery all on their own if the Union hadn’t been so mean to them!
Appeasement, eh? I seem to recall a fellow named Neville that tried that once. He lost his job and became a punchline forever.
A friend of mine raised her two kids with what amounted to conciliation and bribery, all while promoting the “reason with and never say no” form of behaviour model. Guess what- they are absolute monsters.
I have never heard of anyone wanting to take down a Washington statue/monument, but the comment about Jefferson is legit. People all over the US have wanted to take down statues of him for years. Here’s one example:
There is nothing more American, and nothing to be prouder of as an American, than “riling up a Nazi.” Nothing.
. . .So he’s saying that if we appease these Nazis, then there will be peace in our time?
“Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?”
“Being in charge of my own concentration camp, hopefully where you will be interned some day. Also, death to black people.”
I hear Immigration & Customs Enforcement is hiring.
Note that Top Dog didn’t say he was fired. Only that he doesn’t work there anymore. People are inferring that the owners fired him, but he may have quit before the left on his multi-day journey to C’ville.
They don’t even need to ask that. Those people’s names are tainted forever. They have to either go unemployed, or do the one thing that would kill them: change their name. They all claim to love history so much, changing their family name would be like a dagger in the heart.
Experience has taught me that jack-asses like this usually have no problem finding another job. I have no idea why.
And they’d stop the car halfway between two floors just so Manafort could blow Trump without anybody knowing.
I always thought Apple customer service was good until the last 2 weeks when my iPhone spontaneously turned into an iPod touch. The nearest Apple Store is almost 2 hours away but we have an authorized repair store in our local mall that’s great. Except it was tax free weekend and they basically laughed at me and told…