
Yup. Nothing gets a white supremacist’s blood pumping like the idea of a young white woman being “defiled” by a brown or black man.

I mean it’s bryan. Unfortunately but basic logic is its scammer bae

Don’t worry b. You’re going to get to see him on his own season of the bachelor.

But for like four episodes tho?

I like Peter ( he has that , “off-the - bat”, fuckability factor ..... which is all that matters at the end of the day)..... HOWEVER he knew, what he was getting into when he signed up, to be on this Gawd-Awful show ( that I watch, in between commercials of “ House-wives”........ ALL of these bitches tryanna get

Why can’t she pull a Shawn and Kaitlyn? They’re “engaged,” but it’s pretty clear they’re taking their time and just dating seriously before rushing into things. I kind of expected Rachel to be...I don’t know, more reasonable about this kind of thing?

For all the barrier breaking and the casing of a composed, intelligent and seemingly normal bachelorette they picked some pretty bland guys, that and this show is just getting boring.

Ok so explain this peter love, because for four episodes it has become crystal clear that he just wants to be The Bachelor.

I dunno I mean at least eric says he’s ready, but most importantly he’s self aware of all his issues and he’s working on them. Peter wants to be the bachelor which is why he’s doing this round about dance. And Bryan is Johan the scammer bae. So what are you going to do? *shrug*

I can’t imagine the lunacy of planning an engagement party whilst hashing out the minor detail OF WHO THE PROSPECTIVE GROOM IS

Well then good thing that Trump turned out to be such a great role model! Before him, treasonous orange sexual predators had no one to look up to.

Okay, but what if said penis is made of silicone and frequently kept in a discreet location like a locked bedside table or a secure box under a bed? Can the person who has that be a role model?

At least this guy believes in dinosaurs.

I saw that: the other two panelists could just barely keep from laughing!

Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?

Meh. Fuck this guy.

Seriously. No idea what I just read. Just words oddly strung together.

Chinese will be more useful when she’s running the Sweatshops.

TRUMP: [inaudible][garbled]

If you don’t have a five year old, find one he will translate it for you.