
Yep;came here to say “we found him-he was hiding up on Capitol Hill after his health care bill loss!”

Is this an option? Can we swap McConnell for Millenium? How can we let the kidnappers know we’re willing to trade?

Definitely not, it was her maiden name (but it’s terrible).

This fucking cover. I knew before I read the article that it was a fucking selfie. And I know our collective tolerance of selfies is ever-increasing, but a fucking book cover? When he was apparently on his way to a professional photo shoot? So, he posed for this ‘ad lib moment’ and took the picture because “I really

“On a Wednesday?!”

I think I’ll go pick up a magnum of cheap pinot grigio and find out what my office’s policy on alcohol consumption on premises is.

Just as frightening is that they’ll give him one based on some cursory mental test and whether he can hit a piece of paper from a specific distance.

I worked with someone who could be described in the same way. He was finally fired after 5 years of bullshit. Hoping it won’t take as long to get rid of this asshole.

I still feel like the fact that this entire administration is employed and I’m spending yet another day since graduating filling out job apps is some kind of sick joke.



Rookie Mag, you mean? I think it’s good, I get their weekly emails and I love seeing the cute collage art on there... it reminds me a lot of American Girl magazine I used to read in the early 90s.

Well, in defense of the current admnistration, they’re not only afghans, but also girls, and most certainly, they bleed, so much girls, so much blood, so clearly a threat. Also, insert FAKE NEWS and SAD.

Less schlocky drama, more offbeat comedy. It’s from the creator of Veronica Mars and shares a lot with that show, tonally speaking. So if you liked VM, you’ll like iZombie.

I’m going to start Riverdale.

Oh, I’m not even going to reply to the young punk who decided to reply to every one.

I’m drunk!

It is not a typical zombie show. It’s very funny and comes at things from a different angle.

Adventure Time.

I hate most zombie stuff, but iZombie is definitely a big departure from the standard depressing, shuffling hordes, end of the world zombie trope. It’s really funny, and there is also a bit of a police procedural angle to it because they have a different murder case to solve in most of the episodes. It’s actually by