That was in yesterday’s dirtbag
That was in yesterday’s dirtbag
Later, Trumped shamed Xi into buying boxes of his granddaughter’s Girl Scout cookies.
I don’t know how to leave a tip for a story worth following up on Jezebel. So I’m leaving these links.
Prostitution is a crime. Therefore prostitutes are criminals who commit sex crimes. So not only do cops arrest them but they end up on the sex offender registry too. Except in California.
Frequently, children are initially trafficked as teens and do not escape until their late teens, 20s, etc. So it is possible that when she escaped, she was legally an adult. Even though she was a trafficking vicitm, the police probably treated her as though she was an adult consenually selling sex. Trafficking victims…
Prostitution remains a crime for juveniles in many states, although there is a push now to change that. Up until recently children involved in the sex trade weren’t viewed as victims, just “troubled kids.” Many still aren’t viewed as victims because they don’t fit a standard “victim” profile - some have prior…
This isn’t a nuanced response by any stretch of the imagination, but she’s black: black women’s sexuality is often contextualised semiotically, metaphorically by the criminal system as dangerous, uncontainable, risky. So my guess is the prosecutors and police believed she was complicit in her human trafficking case…
When I was jail, one of the girls there was in for sex trafficking and promoting prostitution. She was young, I dont think she was 20. Nice girl, we were “roommates for about 6 weeks - 2 months. I think she served a total of 4-5 months for her role. She got probation. She ended up skipping right away. We chatted on FB…
I would imagine it has something to do with the fact that black teens are not seen as children. Rather than being treated as an exploited child, she was probably charged with prostitution.
Less food to buy for the household so... better economy?
Well she got her wish about the economy changing for her.
The TA is basically a joke in the UK. It’s a part timer reservist force where a few aging weekend warriors do some basic training a few days a year. Some people go into theatre deployment in the TA but it’s not often.
I want to do a letter campaign. Massive amounts of people write letters telling these nincompoops they should resign. I want just truck after truck to arrive at the WH bursting with letters detailing their incompetence. Who I am kidding? Alpha males don’t read, they are too busy doing the straight man’s work.
They look like rejected wax mannequins of each other.
They’re better when they’re moving around, that’s for sure. Seeing all of their stock poses rounded up is definitely not helping.
I think their chins are too long. We see too little neck, and because their eyes are spaced a bit far apart, looks like massive heads floating on top of bodies.
For someone so serious about cello, he seems to love using his sheet music as coasters for his Pepsi. Who needs art when you can have high fructose corn syrup?
Her prettiness embiggens us all.
And is he playing the cello in a sauna in the beginning? That’s not how you keep a cello in tune.