BoJack Horseman

Speaking of the Cheney shooting incident, where would that kind of embarrassment even rank on the Trump administration scale? Passing mention on John Oliver, before discussing Trump’s announcement that the launch codes would be given to his 100 millionth subscriber?

So...if he’s a REAL method actor, will he be shooting a friend in the face with a shotgun?

He’s cultivating mass bro. And people are scared of him. Like, people cross the street when he walks down the street, like, “whoa, look at that monster barreling towards me”.

I literally facepalmed after reading that. Seriously, wtf Weir?

Yeah, you missed the plot.

Nooo! The Martian was such a fun read, so I was really looking forward to seeing what Andy Weir did next. This is a huge letdown.

You literally just listed all of the reasons that the GOP supported Moore.

Cringing so hard. I forgot this atrocity even existed, thanks for remind me.

It’s a boring radio rock band, with a slew of boring radio rock singles. They are completely inoffensive and benign, in my opinion. They suck ass, but they are hardly worthy of appearing on a worst song list. They are not even worth that “honor”, as every single thing that they have ever done is completely irrelevant

Fine. Putin can keep little Donnie all to himself.

Hmmm. About phrases that shouldn’t be used after you are 16...

“Haters and losers”

Fuck Donald Trump.

Hahahahahahahaha. It’s funny, because we’re all going to die.

Well, we already have Joffery...

Moore is like Jesus! Or something...after all, God rapes a young girl and gets her pregnant in the Bible (she didn’t even know it happened. Bill Cosby=God?), so that makes it ok for Moore to do it!

Louis CK is impossible to get past. His entire act is predicated on him being awkward and depressed, along with failing with women, so his perversion is hard to separate from his act.

Yeah! They’re practically the same! Oh, remember Al Gore? Manbearpig? Hahahahahaha that’s global warming! Caring about things is stupid!

Hardly. They played their feeble-minded “douche vs turd” angle, which continued this dangerous, “both sides are the same! You’re fucked either way!” style of thinking, that is unfortunately shared by a good majority of people.