
Gawker bloggers, please stop using his face as your page’s title picture... when the page loads, that’s the first thing I see. If I’m a slightly slower internet connection, then for a couple of seconds, that image is all I have on the screen. Do us a favor and use something else, please..?

Ah, so it wasn’t a fat guy on his bed with a computer. Who’d have thunk? /s

Lash all you want at non-Trump supporters aka human beings but the validity of his comment stands:


#11. Unless you’re in a Nissan GT-R , you don’t have enough torque to pull into the street and immediately do 50mph. Nobody judges the speed anymore... they just pull right in and everybody thinks they have a supercar.

If you are a standard human, your body is already pretty good at following your eyes

I wouldn’t say I mastered it but I don’t get it quite jerky though. On my Audi S4, the pedals aren’t spaced out but the throttle pedal is deeper (farther away) than the brake pedal. I brake with the left big toe and the majority of my foot still covers the throttle.

Apart from all the other colorful, fun adjectives & names, The Donald is just a petulant, little child sitting in the corner and sulking with a big fat lip or throwing a tantrum to draw his mom’s attention.

Why??!! Why is Ford doing this to us? I thought Ford was one of us?!!

A minivan?? Was he working with kids & used Doritos bags?

Oh wow... thanks for donating to the Google Futures Charity LOL. Your generous contribution will help Google to make better products for all of us in the future. [slightly sarcastic :)]

Yeah, it seemed quite automated, similar to lip syncing :) Except for this faux pas, it was choreographed pretty well... there was a slight slip up when the other presenter first demoed Pixel. The big screen already showed his swipe-up gesture before he actually swiped up on the physical phone.

Nope (I’m not married anyway)... but the typo in the message made it look like an FYI in the past tense.

They updated the Store page... look under “Connected Home”.

I just pre-ordered one and I’m currently using an Amazon Echo since the beta period 2yrs ago. I look forward to using the GHome with my Chromecast TV, the remaining stuff looks similar to the Echo; although based on the keynote alone, Alexa’s voice sounds better (natural).

I use Siri, but not too much. However, I don’t see any big advantage of either system... the functionality seems very similar, IMO.

Looks like Brian’s wife doesn’t mind if he goes to music concerts by himself.

Yeah, that was my thought as well - DRS activation is driver-triggered but the deactivation was supposed to be automatic, triggered by a sensor in the brake pedal. But Rosberg deactivates them manually in the video... Martin Brundle, during the most recent race in Singapore, mentioned that even Hamilton deactivates it

Wow! The Donald is becoming more brazen in his lies & blasphemy. <slow clap>

Trump is so proud of harking on about Obama’s birth certificate for so long that it yielded results...