#11. Unless you’re in a Nissan GT-R , you don’t have enough torque to pull into the street and immediately do 50mph. Nobody judges the speed anymore... they just pull right in and everybody thinks they have a supercar.
If you are a standard human, your body is already pretty good at following your eyes
I wouldn’t say I mastered it but I don’t get it quite jerky though. On my Audi S4, the pedals aren’t spaced out but the throttle pedal is deeper (farther away) than the brake pedal. I brake with the left big toe and the majority of my foot still covers the throttle.
Apart from all the other colorful, fun adjectives & names, The Donald is just a petulant, little child sitting in the corner and sulking with a big fat lip or throwing a tantrum to draw his mom’s attention.
Why??!! Why is Ford doing this to us? I thought Ford was one of us?!!
A minivan?? Was he working with kids & used Doritos bags?
Have to confess: I read the headline too fast and missed the “r” in “pantry”. If I had a girlfriend/SO, I could’ve just told her to capitalize on it but since I don’t, I probably come across as a perv. Sigh...
Have to confess: I read the headline too fast and missed the “r” in “pantry”. If I had a girlfriend/SO, I could’ve…
Wasn’t this already in the iOS version of GMaps? I constantly see events (topic, date & time) at the intended locations on GMaps when I’m driving around.
Merits aside, 2 of the most charismatic Presidents in the recent past.
Ah, forgot the independents.
Well, come Nov 8 or the swearing-in day, there’s a 50% chance that AF1 will have gilded pillars, gold roof liners, gold shag carpets and gold trim on the exterior.
WTF is wrong with this monkey?? He’s running for POTUS, not President of 2nd grade. Eye on the ball, moron. Stop these little things get to you... if ‘n when he becomes President, will a cheese maker in Switzerland or a fisherman in Thailand irritate him with some lame comment? Who the F is this idiot? And why the F…
Wow! The Donald is becoming more brazen in his lies & blasphemy. <slow clap>
While analysts from both parties and several focus groups declared Mrs. Clinton the winner of the debate, Mr. Trump tried to claim that title for himself
I’m not sure why they’re so confused?? By Trump’s own admission, he won the debate in all the known polls in the Universe, except CNN but that’s ok because they didn’t have a poll. /s
I still don’t understand what pissed him off about her? Every person in the media limelight will have some negative thing talked about by some one... Why her? I’m sure he’s had other “non-pretty, non-male” people shitting about him. What actually got his gold panties in a bunch to the point that he tried to reach into…
Oh how awesome would this be??!! I’m looking for references like The Fizz, Oh Cock, Come on Man, Dacia Sandero etc. Would be nice if they got the other 2 monkeys as well and their GPS instructions are all garbled up like their episode when they hosted a show on the local radio station.
Trump is so proud of harking on about Obama’s birth certificate for so long that it yielded results...