
Human beings is better than viewing oneself as an American.....

At this point, you just sound like a sad person....

I’m just going to say this because people in this thread gotta hear it.....

Ff 13 is not "great." Lol

Resident Evil 2 remake has excellent gameplay...but barely worked in the grand scheme. The original is way better. 

You first. 

Well, I know you do. Lol


Solid B+? Lol

Its also a very, very real problem you self important asshole

Everything he does is ironic and humorous.

I can’t get over disappointing this game is. Eventually, I will, but until then the sheer audacity of publishing something as basic and generic as this, coupled with those that actually thinks its good, doesn’t give me much hope in the future towards this particular genre of video gaming.

You are aware that it's too early fot dark humor, right?

Personally, I don’t care.

Your logic is astounding.

Both parties are responsible. He spoiled and got his ass beat. They touched him when they shouldn’t have.

I get not wanting your favorite film series spoiled, but you have to be a serious cunt and low life to put your hands on someonefor doing so.

You kinda missed the joke on why he said they made only, “four” albums.

Well no. It definitely wasn't the best one. Underrated, but not the best. 

Well, now you see. Not a single Blumhouse film comes close to a Lynch original.