No worries, I’m sure she’s better than Zoe.
No worries, I’m sure she’s better than Zoe.
One begets the other. People nowadyas are very easily influencible, and the clickbait stories foster a culture of intolerance, insensitivity, closed mindedness, and outrage.
How about just towards whiny bitches everywhere?
Close, but not quite. I’m referring not to the Peter Principal, but to the tendency that public sector organizations have to react to problems by throwing money at the problem instead of throwing proven leaders at the problem.
News flash: an incompetent manager is going to continue fucking up just as badly with a…
Other than being a patient of theirs on and off for the past year? Or having a job with them for a few months before that?
Appreciate you getting butthurt over my comments but you should make sure you know who the fuck you’re talking about before you start flinging shit.
Because politics is a different world. Even on the executive side of the house, both parties (including specifically both Bush and Obama) have a long track record of promoting failures to greater and greater levels of responsibility until they inevitably fuck up something that becomes a public scandal and they either…
The bro’s right though. This is EXACTLY the sort Anita Sarkeesian became an internet martyr to get rid of.